“Testicular Juicing”

Courtesy of BME/HARD‘s legion of daring adventurers into extreme realms of sensation and experience… The photo you see here is step eight (“drink and enjoy”). If you want to see some of the other steps and you’re of legal age, click on through.

  1. Tie off testicles tightly.
  2. Choose a large juicing tool (in this case a 10ga piercing needle).
  3. Puncture through the scrotum and outer skin of the testicle.
  4. Be ready with a cup or bowl to collect the juice.
  5. Collect and save the juice.
  6. Amaze your friends with the size of the spike in your testicle.
  7. Become aroused at the though of those friends drinking directly from your testicle.
  8. Drink and enjoy.
  9. Repeat steps one through eight.

As a point of trivia, the person in these photos is also in the ModCon book, featured with a grinning Shawn Porter. If you have the book (now out of print), you know what I’m talking about.

Leg Muscle Anatomy Tattoo

Chris Govier sends in this shot of a full leg anatomical tattoo he’s working on…. If it gets filled in red with white highlights, it’s going to be pretty crazy looking! The only thing I’m not 100% sold on is that the muscles are very well placed, but their fibres run atypically. But yeah, fill this in red and it’s definitely going to be giving people heart attacks at the beach, ha!!!!