I’m not convinced this is a good idea.

Ah yes, let’s drive some nice deep solid captive bead rings up some girl’s spine. I’m sorry. I hate criticizing work that gets sent to me, because I feel like I’m like punching someone who has offered to help me in the gut and I feel all guilty, but come on piercers… it’s been well known how to do [relatively] successful surface piercings for a long time!

I sincerely apologize for using the person in the photo like this, but I really feel strongly that unless I’m misreading things and this was only meant to last a little while and leave a line of scars, it’s just so wrong to still see piercings being done like this.

Here in NYC, trying to take a load off

Well, as you know it’s been a stressful last week (although I think that we all — IAM members especially) handled it really well. I’m in New York City right now as you know (a little business, a little pleasure, including meeting fellow body bloggers) so I’m trying to keep myself from working while I’m here, but you know me… I just can’t stop. But this picture care of Disintegrate pretty much sums up how I’d like my week to feel…

My hotel is right next to Central Park, so I suppose I could find a dandelion, but I think it’s still way too early in the season here to enjoy blowing away the seeds.

Be back soon!




Assuming no [more] emergencies happen, I’ll be in NYC most of the week, but I should be able to keep posting here with any luck… we’ll see… I’ll do my best. Either way, the technical problems look like they’re coming to their end [I hope].

Hope everyone at APP is having fun at the convention! Full post this evening.