Poor industrial placement

Alienboy, who sends this photo, emphasizes that this terrible industrial placement was not done by him! The bar was put in, somewhere in Queensland Australia, in a manner that put gentle pressure on the ear because a straight bar was forced over the convex outer conch. In time it started to erode the skin and sink into the cartilage — so, as is too often the fate of the quality piercer, the money goes to the scratcher and the victim ends up asking the unpaid quality piercer for help.

Piercing-related Injuries

Ouch! This is the result of falling down the stairs and smashing up nostril jewelry… The client headed in to the very talented Steve Truitt in New Mexico to get it extracted. I’ll mention by the way that he’s working in Edmonton for a little while, so if you’re looking to get something out of the ordinary done and you’re in the area, drop him a line.

Well, that’s it for today. Because I skipped yesterday I wanted to get lots posted here today, and early too! See you all tomorrow.