Rings galore

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to find the time today to post to ModBlog! I may also have to take the next couple of weeks off because Jon and I want to do some major overhauling to BME to bring it out of the mid-1990s in terms of the technology that powers the site…. Parts of it are starting to feel dated and I appreciate you all being so patient with me.

Thanks to Melanie in Ottawa for sending me this photo of her side-corsets (ribbons were added later). The piercings themselves are care of Matt Cottrell.

I recommend ModifiedStateOfMind

Check out this excellent body modification blog being run by Tanya (seen below) for an independent study course. If it keeps going like it is, she definitely deserves an ‘A’. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a deviant easily swayed by such photos, I really think it’s done well.

Note the corset piercing scars by the way.