A collection of female pubic tattoos

The “monsterworm” on the left is by Jethro Bijlaart at Mounty Zoo Tattoo in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. The other two (the lock and the pubic Taz) are the work of Al Farber at Acid Works Tattoos in Mount Morris, MI.

I’m not so sure that I find the specifics of any of them a big turn on for me personally (I’m 99% sure I’ve never jerked off to either Tremors or Taz cartoons), but I assume they are for the wearers and/or their partners. People (men and women both) get some funny things tattooed on and around their genitals (check out the galleries in BME/extreme if you’d like more).

Pissed Off Big Boob Anime from Istanbul

Jon said this sort of reminded him of the “Anna MaeReal Doll… It’s by Murat at Sacred Ink Tattoo (whose website appears to have a copy of a portrait of a friend of mine’s son on it… but that’s a story for another day) in Istanbul. As a somewhat unrelated piece of trivia about Turkey, if you like seventies psychedelic rock, the best of it came out of Turkey.