Guess What?

I’ve got to say.  We’ve been getting some pretty awesome Guess What? worthy submissions in the past few weeks.  This week is no exception.  Even without the cropping this photo is unusual, so make sure to think outside the box when you make your guesses.

So, what do you think this is?  Read on to see if you’re right.

So.  How many of you guessed that it was a stretched lobe, being pulled through a cheek piecing, and held in place with a split tongue?  I’m going to guess not too many.  And that adorable mug belongs to the one and only Joeltron.

Help out the youngest member of the BME family. Get a limited edition 2012 BME Classic Logo t-shirt. Read all the details here.

Guess What?

The only hint you’re getting this time is that it belongs to an IAM member.

I would have left more of the image intact, however it would have instantly given it away.

Take a guess as to what you think it is, then read on to see if you’re right.

If you guessed that it was IAM: Back Sass Jezebel‘s 9/16th outer labia, step right up and collect your prize.

It’s been five years now that Brian Decker performed this modification on her.  You can actually check out her IAM page for photos from the day they were done.

My predictions for the guesses:  mostly “transscrotal” with a good helping of “nostril”.

Email your submissions today! Simply send your photos to [email protected] and they’ll be automatically added to the image galleries.

Guess What?

This one just got uploaded to the galleries, so hopefully not many of you have seen this yet.

Once you think you know what it is, read on to see if you’re right.

Why it’s a large gauge nipple piercing….  that happens to be attached to a big metal rod with weights.

A big thanks to Slave Naomi for sending in these and many more photos.

Email your submissions today! Simply send your photos to [email protected] and they’ll be automatically added to the image galleries.

Guess What?

I’m not going to lie.  I think this is probably a really easy one to guess, and I’m sure most of you will get it, but I have been wrong in the past, so we’ll see what happens.

Once you think you know what it is, click ahead to see if you’re right.

This triple HCH was done by Joeltron from First Blood in Sydney.  He has this to say about it…

12g/10g/8g HCH (horizontal clitoral hoods). Prolly’ one of the funnest genital projects I have done and the client was an ABSOLUTE pleasure to work on. She was open to suggestions, had fantastic anatomy for this project and took it like an total champ. Ladies: your junk is lovely! Bling that shit up!

Joel also provided the cropped image for today’s post.

Also, 30% OFF almost everything in the BMEShop! Coupon code: movingsale
Sale ends May 11th! Check here for details!

Guess What?

So as I discovered last week, anal piercings are pretty obvious no matter how well the image is cropped.  The only thing I can tell you about this, is that it isn’t an anal piercing.

Think you know what this is?  Take a guess and read on to see if you’re right.

I’m going to predict 50% guessed scrotum, and the other 50% guessed ear lobe.  You can see the full sized version of this photo in the large gauge male nipple piercing gallery.

Also, 30% OFF almost everything in the BMEShop! Coupon code: movingsale
Sale ends April 11th! Check here for details!

Guess What?

I can pretty much say with confidence that very few people will guess this correctly.  So much so that I’ll even give you a hint:  It’s not what you think it is.

Read on to see just how wrong you were.

Skin tag piercings are pretty rare.  Anal piercings are also pretty rare.  The fact that this is an anal skin tag piercing, well, there’s no way you could have guessed this one.

Big thanks to Joeltron for not only sending this is, but also cropping the photo for me.

30% OFF almost everything in the BMEShop! Coupon code: movingsale
Check here for details!

Guess What?

Do you guys realize how tough it is to find an image that you’ll have a hard time guessing.  The last time I said it was hard, everyone guessed it instantly.  So you’re on your own.  What do you think is attached to that hook?

Make your guess, and read on to see if you’re right.

Just your average, every day, CBT session.  I honestly didn’t know hooks that size existed.  You can see more, including what went into the hole, in the CBT Gallery.

30% OFF almost everything in the BMEShop! Coupon code: movingsale
Check here for details!

Guess What?

Zero.  That’s right none, zip, nada.  That’s how many people are going to get this one.

Take your best guess.  It’ll be wrong, but guess anyway.

Now unless you’ve already seen this in the galleries, there’s no possible way you could have guess that you were looking at a heavily play-pierced hand

Here’s one more just to give you a bit of perspective on just how many needles there are.

A big thanks to Sadistica for giving us yet another picture for Guess What?  Be sure to check out Sadistica’s hard bonus gallery.

Guess What?

This is a good one.  Not only is it going to be hard for you to guess, it’s also going to be something you may not have seen before, or at least haven’t seen in a long time.

Sorry for the blurriness.  I had to crop it small and blow it up, otherwise it would have given it away.

Think you know what it is?  Read on to see if you’re right.

Ok, before I put up the photo, here’s the obligatory warning;  Don’t do this.  It’s incredibly dangerous and possibly crippling.  The risks involved are astronomical, and can easily result in any number of serious and permanent injuries if attempted.  Alright, with that said, let’s take a look at a stretched achilles piercing.

They’re currently at 16mm, according to Daniel lovesmilk rutt, who sent them in, however he didn’t include any other information, such as how long they’ve been in place.  However, seeing as how they’ve been stretched up to 16mm indicated they’re something he’s had for a significant amount of time.

Given how controversial these piercings have been in the past, please try to keep the comments civil.

Guess What?

Last week’s Guess What? had women clutching their chests in sympathy pains, and rightly so.  This week I’ve picked something a little less painful, and definitely not as bloody.

You know what to do, take a guess and read on to see if you’re right.

I’m going to call it right now.  Not a single person guessed this right (not counting those who had seen it in the galleries already.  So here’s the break down:  he’s got an apadravya, ampallang, a prince’s wand, and a pair of dydoes.  To give you a better idea, here’s the side view.

Like I said.  There’s no way anyone could have guessed that.