Bruce Potts ROCKS!

Best school teacher ever? I don’t know, because I never took a class under him. But coolest ex-teacher ever? Definitely. And thus he gets to stay at the top of ModBlog until I get back from Carlilse and NYC! Anyway, go say hello to Bruce over at IAM:tribalface and meet one of the most remarkable men in this community with one of the wildest look (that he had to wait until he retired to get).

Now that’s what I call efficiency


When I was living in Mexico, groups of workers often took on tasks that would be handled by one person in Canada. The end result was not only that jobs got done faster (well, sometimes), but that there was less unemployment. These photos are from GeorgeZix at Espfinge Tattoo Shop in Sao Paulo, Brasil, and while of course it’s totally different, it still reminded me of what was “home” for all of 2005.

Dig the full-body condoms. It’s pretty rare to see that level of contamination control up here in the Northern hemisphere…