Tag Archives: text
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Laundry, Check!
So, it took magneticdistortion over two years to finish her laundry, and now she’s tackling her next task. Everything!
I’m much more efficient, today I splashed out on a stick of 1GB DDR RAM for my (borrowed) computer, what does this mean for you? It won’t take five minutes for Photoshop to resize an image I’m editing for ModBlog. 256MB just doesn’t cut it.
0.5% Alcohol
My dad used to treat me to the odd shandy or two when I was younger (I felt like such a grown-up!), so I can totally partially relate to this tattoo on IAM jam..
By Xtina “La Gypsy”, Tattoo Vibes, Amsterdam.
Naval Compass..
Or navel compass?!
Tattoo by Joe at Thou Art Tattoo & Piercing Studio, Sheffield, England.
Don’t Bet On Tattoos!
Two images for your viewing pleasure..
The first is by artist Paul Toupet (MySpace) and the second (after the break) is by Pat of Don Design, Chambly, Québec.
Butter Fingers
“I got this tattoo by Rusty Gordon of All American Tattoo Parlor in Knoxville, TN.. He was doing a guest spot at the shop I apprentice at (Tat2U in Monroe, Louisiana) and noticed that I have a habit of dropping shit, so he decided to tattoo this on me! I love it!
Peace and modification,
Wesley Owens.”
Chase Me!
I Wholeheartedly Agree!
On hot-nipple-Mike – by Winfield of Tattoo Asylum, Minnesota.
Partial Sunlight
The only reference to this side boob (x2) tattoo on IAM: !shrimpansnowpea I can find online is from a song by Built To Spill..
By Jeremy Costilow, Mantra Tattoo, Lakewood, CO.
Dude, Limericks are Sick!
This tattoo on IAM: retrovertigo really brought a smile to my face.
My parents had a book of limericks that they used to read from when I was a nipper, aaaah memories..
Prose by Alex Vidaud, Visual Expressions, East Hartford, CT.