Team Christ

Yeah, I really hope that Natalie gets kicked off BB9 tonight. But anyway…

The script in this tattoo by Brian at Atomic Age in Mechanicsburgh, PA, reads “This I Know”, like the song, explains the wearer…

I was on a plane leaving the French West Indies after a month-long cross cultural college course. We were headed for Philadelphia, but there was an electrical short in the cockpit when the plane was somewhere over the Bermuda Triangle. The smell of melting plastic and smoke filled the cabin and we thought we were going down for a watery death in the Atlantic. I was terrified with most of the other passengers. One man even wrote up his will a few seats ahead of me.

The college group I was with from Messiah College started singing “Jesus loves me, this i know, for the Bible tells me so.” Hearing that song reaffirmed my faith and brought me a solace I never thought I could feel in a time like that. I told myself that if I lived through the experience, I was going to get that tattooed. That song states such a foundational understanding of my Christianity and because the whole experience tested my faith, I realize how vital my relationship is with my Creator. God brought me through that, and now I have a permanent reminder that I know I am loved.

I’ve heard of plenty of people promising God they’d be good Christians if they survived whatever, but this might be the first time I’ve heard of someone promising God they’d get tattooed if they survived!

See more in Lettering Tattoos (Tattoos)

Fear Not

Jeremy recently had this tattoo done by Dave Wallin at Tattoo Culture in Brooklyn, NY. He explains,

There were several characteristics I wanted for my first real piece. Mostly, I was looking for an interesting way to put text on my skin, specifically the phrase “fear not,” which has been an aspirational motto for me even in my darker hours. I decided to try it in negative space. For the background I came up with leaves as something organic and asymmetrical, and vaguely chaotic. Plus I thought it looked cool. Design-wise, I wanted something flat, with no illusion of depth, and I really wanted no black ink or outlines. I was told that this would result in spreading over time, and I said that was fine with me. If the tattoo decomposes into mulch, so much the better!


Bach Fan Tattoo

So I discovered recently that sometimes people get music tattoos that aren’t the HIM logo or something Slipknot related! Anji from High Priestess in Eugene, OR sent this one in;

“She’s a musician, she plays classical music, and she loves Bach. So we did an exact copy of his signature on her. The ink is black mixed down with a little brown, so as it heals it will look warm, like olde timey calligraphy ink. I really like this tattoo — sometimes the little stuff is my favorite.”

I agree, and I really like the subtle touch of mixing brown in with the black ink.


Filia Caedus: Daughter Slaughter

Sean sent me this picture of a tattoo he got for the joke band he’s in with his two best friends — “Daughter Slaughter” (which they translate into Latin as “Filia Caedus Caedes”). Anyway, the reason I’m posting it is the photo got me thinking that there are some modifications that force an inherently humorous moment a la the left half of the picture. Guiche piercing is up there as well… Especially for piercers that make their clients get on all fours on the bench.
