It’s not what you think

Maybe I have a natural dirty mind, or maybe it’s because I just got through one of the chapters in The Game where Neil Strauss is talking about stacked orgasms (a pretty basic concept that I think most people figure out on their own, but doesn’t seem to be broadly public knowledge strangely enough), so when I see a matching tattoo on two people that says “Remember the Time — I’ll Never Forget”, and the guy is showing off his tongue, I’m thinking “king of cunnilingus”… But the truth is that they’re actually his old band’s lyrics (photo: busichildfg).

Damn, those are big implants!

I recently showed you Andyroo‘s awesome blackwork gun tattoo. You may have noticed the picture of him suspending up above (as in the title bar of ModBlog, at least as I write this)… Anyway, I thought I should share that picture at high resolution too so you can check out the implants (and his funny chestpiece — he is, I kid you not, a Christian pirate).

Facial expressions say it all?

I don’t know how Cere does it (best I can come up with other than NLP is quoting Wesley Snipes — always bet on black!), but Phoenixxx (who as a point of trivia has seen a lot more shaved female genitals than I have) got “Cere” (“the man, the legend”) tattooed on her wrist by Cindy Vega at Local Color Tattoo in Philadelphia… He seems quite pleased:

I’m having a little more difficulty precisely assessing the meaning of her facial expression though? I am assuming it’s a joking shot, but it sure has that “oh my god… what did I just do to myself vibe” to it! Or maybe she’s thinking about the tattoo that Cere just did on Robin of what appears to be a fat chick in a party hat? Or maybe a duck? I don’t know.

Girl-on-Girl Action While Suspended!


I’m still debating whether writing this blog as a single guy is healthy or not. On one hand, I get to post tons of pictures of people in this community that have shared kinks, and no one is going to get me in trouble for the things I write. On the other hand, I think it’s probably messing me up on some level for when I decide to date againby driving my own fetishes into overdrive. I don’t know?

Adding to the picture on the right, here’s a less erotic but very nice photo, also of deadinblood suspending:

Oh, and if you want to see a pretty cool tattoo, check out her IAM page and look for the spider she just got tattooed on her temple.

Vagina Dentata Armpit Tattoo

A few weeks ago I was visiting a friend and she was telling me about someone she knew that had teeth growing inside her genitals (or somewhere up inside, I can’t remember). Because I’m an unseparated conjoined twin, I assumed it was something along those lines but she explained that it was actually dermoid cysts that had become teeth… Anyway, it’s the current cover but I thought some people might get a kick out of a closer look at Muffe‘s vagina dentata armpit tattoo… I like that it has a hood piercing!

Photo by Zolish at the Tattoexpo Gothenburg in Sweden.