Call for actors

I was sent this request looking for people to appear in a music video. As we always do, I’m posting this request here for anyone who might be interested in taking part.

Good morning,

My name is Jonathan Cozzo, I’m working for a music video production company called Prettybird and we are currently organizing the making of a music video for a major American singer. We are actually looking for people with African scarifications or scars (from wounds for instance) and people with tattoos (of words or sentences) to appear as actors in that video and I was hoping you could help me on this subject.

To give you more details, we’d like several dark-skinned persons with either scarifications on their body and/or face or tattoos (words or complete sentences) to participate in a video shoot next week, on Thursday the 9th. Their participation will of course be paid and expanses covered.

Thank you for your time and help,

Stay Calm Update

This is an update about the Stay Calm event posted below.  Can’t be there in person?  Read on.

What I’d like for you folks who can’t make it to do, if you still want to be here in spirit… is to record a short video talking about your connection to Shannon and the IAM/BME Community. How it’s affected your life. Met a spouse? Had a baby? Traveled to Mexico for BMEFest and used a swimming pool as a gravity bong?

Tell your story!

Then either upload it to YOUTUBE (tagged staycalmbme) or get a account and link me. We’re going edit them together and put them online; shared here on SCPhilly as well as BME. There are some great stories out there; sweet, funny, raunchy… let’s not let them be forgotten.

Oh. Did you guys like the STAY CALM Hand Screened print that Johnny Thief designed for us? Well get this! If you submit a video to the THANK YOU SHANNON! Project- your name goes into a drawing to have one sent to you on us! They’re available exclusively to attendees of the memorial, so you’ll be the coolest kid on your block!

Once you’ve got it online, email [email protected] with the youtube or dropbox link and you’ll be set.

OH! This is really important. All submitted videos must be shot “properly”.

Videos should be under five minutes, 720dpi or higher if possible, m4v or mov format.

You can read the full post by going here.

We here at BME would really love it if you submitted the videos to BME as well. Please do share your memories of Shannon, whether they be photos, a video or if you want to write up a story or memorial, or anything really, about him. You can submit content via your BME account or by sending it to [email protected]. If you run into any problems at all please email BME support for help.

Our hearts are in Boston

All of us here at BME want to express our sympathies and condolences to everyone in Boston and those who were watching or participating in the Boston Marathon today.  Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

If you’re in Boston please check in with us and let us know that you’re OK.

If you were at the marathon today consider adding yourself to the Safe & Well List offered by the Red Cross so that your family and loved ones know you’re OK.

Google is also offering a person finder to check on loved ones.

Stay Calm


On April 27th, in Philadelphia, there will be a gathering to celebrate Shannon’s life and the friendships he helped to foster.  To read more about the event, please visit this blog.  Below is an excerpt from the site about the event:

The weekend will have something for everyone, reminiscent of BME BBQs of the past. There’ll be time at the park, private suspensions, a party/fundraiser at a bar and the eventual hotel shenanigans that IAM events made famous.

We’ve worked out a special group rate at the LOWES Philadelphia (update: SOLD OUT! We’re working on a second block at another local hotel so please stay in touch if you’re in need of accommodations) and are working on other perks. Checking back here or the Facebook event listing will be your best way to keep up with the latest news.

If you know of any other gatherings taking place please feel free to post about them in the comments below.

We just wanted to say thank you, again, for the love and support the community has shown all of us here at BME.  If you’re going to an event please do take pictures and share them with BME, we would love to see them, especially those of us who live too far away to attend anything.

A girl and some big holes

The_holeyone sent us in this beautiful self portrait showing off her large-gauge piercings.  Maybe it’s just me but big stretches like this seem to be a lot less common on women than they are on men.  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Do you think my title could have possibly been sadder?

I really enjoy the symmetry in these piercings and, of course, we all enjoy pretty girls.