Ana’s Permanent Puppets

Speaking of whacky finger gag tattoos, you may remember all these viral pictures of people drawing little cartoon puppet characters on their fingers doing various acts — Ana Laco had Brane Doricic at Inkconnection Tattoo Parlour in Rijeka, Croatia tattoo this finger mugging on her. In addition to laughing, I’m actually quite in awe at how well the tattoo has held — on the left is the tattoo fresh, one hit, and on the right is the tattoo healed. As anyone that’s tattooed their fingertips knows, it is beyond impressive to get this much ink to stay on the first try!!!

White and Black Tattooing over Healed Blackwork

When I saw the healed tattoo on the right in the picture below, I actually thought it was fresh and commented on how much fresh white ink with black over blackwork looks “unreal”, like a sticker or a piece of body painting. To my surprise, the wearer informed me that it was not in fact fresh, but actually a week healed after being done by Gerhard Wiesbeck ( You can see how much the colors have settled by comparing the fresh tattoo on the left — it’s more obvious in the white than in the black of course. In time the tones will lose a bit more contrast, but they won’t disappear — the biggest change happens in the first week.

Check out ModBlog’s previous entries on this subject by following the “Tattooing Over Blackwork” tag — we’ve been showing you this technique for over five years now — and of course click the picture to zoom in and take a closer look.

The Secret Piercing Code

Getting a tear-shaped microdermal means you killed a guy in a piercing studio.

The question is, and the one the FBI keeps asking, is did it happen at the same place as the procedure? In this case, the microdermal was done by Wayne Fredrickson at Fastlane Tattoo in Corona, California.

Facial Scarification Plus Facial Tattooing

Two examples of tattoos and scarification dancing on a face in one day!!! You may recall this facial scarification by Iestyn Flye because I included it in the images in the entry about his recent scarification seminar. Since then, Damien Voodoo, also of London’s Divine Canvas (, has added a series of chin tattoo lines that echo the scars higher up on the face. I especially enjoy how the tattoo extends up onto the lower lip. I think if it was me, I would have drawn the lines right over the tattoos already on the neck, but that’s a highly personal decision where I think it’s quite fair for ones history to outweigh graphic design. Speaking of graphic design, looking at this tattoo from multiple angles shows how incredibly challenging it is to create parallel geometric work on a surface as topographically complex as a face!!! Either way, I think the two of them have fused their work successfully to create a striking and unique facial project.

So… How about some nice thing implanted forehead ridges for the trifecta?

Click to zoom in a bit of course.

Metal-esque Freehand Forehead Scar

I hope no one is upset with me for being a bit of a Samppa Von Cyborg ( fanboy and posting a good percentage of his creations, but I really do believe he’s one of the most important body modification artists working today, and everyone ought to have their eye on him. Here’s a freehand scarification, designed by Kali and cut by Samppa — forehead work always looks great, and I particularly like this piece because of the way it dances with the scalp tattoo that it echoes. I will have to keep an eye on this and make sure it’s eventually the subject of a “Friday Followup” on ModBlog.

Video Interview with Tye Olsen

I am just terrible about telling you about these on time, so go subscribe to his YouTube channel! J.C. Potts has posted the most recent The Modified World (and the new one should come online tomorrow I hope), and you’ll be happy to hear that it’s an interview with long-time IAM/BME member Tye Olsen, talking about his “surgically modified pointed elf ears”. Another great show.

How The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program Began

If we learned anything from Project Serpo [], it’s that the Zeta Reticulans fucking love flesh hooks.

Seriously, is it just me, or does resurrection suspension really look a lot like some sort of Fire In The Sky sort of alien abduction? I guess I see aliens before resurrection because I was brought up on science fiction, not on the Bible, so when someone is being drawn up into the skies, it’s an act of the Greys, not an act of God. This picture is from the wonderful suspension campout that I posted earlier in the week — be sure to check out that entry if you haven’t already seen it.

Click the picture to see the original, as it really happened.

The Matilda Piercing

Rick, who describes himself as “an old and rusted piercer from Rome, Italia” (currently at The Ten Bells), wrote me with a photo of a unique piercing he did a while back and was wondering if it had a specific name. It’s basically a vertical lobe, but done with an unusual placement. The jewelry is a curved barbell, so the jewelry is barely even in the ear, and is almost more of a surface piercing on the neck that just happens to exit between the anti-tragus and tragus. He calls it the “Matilda Piercing”, and I’ve never heard another name for it, so that’s good enough for me!

Full Ear Reshaping by Samppa

Samppa Von Cyborg ( just posted this remarkable ear reshaping. When Steve Haworth first pointed Katzen’s ear in the mid 1990s, the procedure was just a small snip and fold at the top of the ear, and by and large, the procedure hasn’t really changed a whole lot until recently, and Samppa is arguably at the forefront of showing that you don’t have to just point the top corner to one degree or another — you can actually reshape the entire contour and form of the ear from top to bottom. If I didn’t know and trust Samppa implicitly, I don’t think I’d even believe it was the same ear!

While I’m mentioning Samppa, let me also post an update of the skull chest implant that I posted fresh a while back. The incision is still settling, but the implant itself is full healed and looks great. As far as I know more skulls are being added at the other points of the cross.

Pierced Whiskers

Speaking of Eric Stango (of Lifestyles in Connecticut), I also wanted to show one more fun piercing project he’s done — this set of pierced whiskers, which is wonderfully appropriate on a woman named Cat. Seriously! He did them by first piercing the client with a set of 14ga labrets, and once those were healed and stable, he replaced them with a set of 14ga labret backings with long black teflon whiskers attached. Now what I want to know, is does this count as a mod that gives you a “sixth sense” in the same way that magnets do, if you use them like an animal does, walking through a dark and crowded room, using the whiskers as “feelers” to make sure your body doesn’t bump into anything? Either way, very cute and charming.