BME Year End Awards – Reader’s Choice Awards!


If you didn’t already see, the 2007 Top Contributor’s shirt design is the bastard son of the calm logo and the BME militia logo… on a whole lot of psychedelics! James liked it so much that he got it tattooed on him by his friend Mick (so it’s fresh and swollen above), adding to his collection of BME tattoos that you can see below… Funny thing is that this is now the first logo to actually be tattooed on someone prior to BME officially using it, since the shirts won’t actually be printed for a week or two!

Barring unexpected issues, these awards will be posted January 1st, 2008.


BMEshop Holiday Discount!

As I mentioned, I was just visiting Santa (mostly hoping he could help me out with my peanut collection — it’s been a little boring around there), and he asked me to pass on some news about BMEshop that was written up in one of the fictional gift-givers trade journals. If you place an order over the holidays, and enter the coupon code “BME-HoHoHo” (at the checkout page, then hit “recalculate”), it will give you 5% off of your order. I believe this code is good from now until the 26th.

Remember, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings you order from BMEshop, a eunuch loses his nuts.


Fisting Just Got A Lot More Fun


It was my friend Rachel’s birthday a few days ago, so she sent me a few photos to celebrate. Her microdermal horns are well healed, as are her arm implants, but the implants that accent the top of her hands are new work.

She’s asked that I keep the name of the practitioner private due to the negative atmosphere toward heavy mod artists these days… on one hand, implants, tongue splitting, and other mods are at an all time popularity-high, but at the same time, a new wave of uncertainty in regards to “medicine without a license” and other charges hangs over this community. Especially with prominent individuals on some modification forums promoting the idea that going after practitioners is a good idea — which I find deeply offensive — it’s probably a good time to go back to the oldschool method of having clients “screen” for artists and operating through word-of-mouth recommendation chains.


Gillian’s DIY Knuckle Brands

My friend Gillian did a DIY brand on herself about a week ago. She says it was for no particular reason (which I’d say is unusual for a DIY brand — they tend to be ritualistic and full of meaning), but is quite happy with how it turned out (I like it as well). The brands are quite light — she’s been picking off the blisters/scabs, so it’ll probably heal akin to a shallow skin removal, leaving faint circular scars on each finger.


What do you get when you cross Lucky Rich and Santa?

What do you get when you cross Lucky Rich and Santa?

I’m sure you’ve seen the “Blue Man” in the news — CNN has a video, and BB linked to this story and video. I was quite struck by how similar he looks to Lucky Diamond Rich, who’s tattooed himself completely black (which has faded to a dark grey)… Definitely drinking a few colloidal silver cocktails is a whole lot less painful than hundreds of hours under the needle! I’m quite surprised that people don’t do this on purpose.

…although perhaps the eerie “zombie-skin-without-the-rotting” look is not something most people seek out?


Remember Joy, Not Anger

My friend Dan just told me about his new tattoo. When he was younger, like many of us, he was mad at the world, and has various bitter tattoos marking that path… In the picture you can see some of his shoulder tattoo which is a heart with daggers and a banner that reads, “once you get burned, you’re never the same” (don’t I know it, Dna, don’t I know it!). Anyway, he says that while he still loves all those old tattoos, he wanted to get something new with a more positive spin.

He told me,

“As a child, one of the few times my whole family would sit down and spend time together was when we’d play board games. My very favorite was called Escape from Atlantis, which featured an octopus destroying a boat on the box. Over the years my recollection faded a little and turned the octopus to a giant squid, but it’s still a very fond memory, and I wanted to dedicate a tattoo to it. Also, having a water theme helps to balance out all the flames I’d gotten previously. Now I’m a little older and more content, so I wanted to wear that on the outside.”

The tattoo was done for him by Jamer who works out of a private studio in my hometown of Victoria, BC.


Samantha’s Lucky Cat

Roo tells me that people were complaining that from time to time I’d post entries that were gratuitous (and that he’d done the same). I was thinking, half the time I read comments, and it’s pretty clear that no one bothered reading the surrounding text anyway, so I figure a solid chunk of viewers are here mostly for the nipples anyway… For them, Samantha shares this alluring photo of her Maneki Neko tattoo, which brings her permanent good luck.
