BME Newsfeed for Jun 15, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Err, sorry. Pink nipple time.

Since I’ve got to go reboot the IAM server, let me make a quick note here that I’m doing so, and until then, enjoy this video of Pink getting her nipple pierced in Germany. The punch line for me is that it was done using injectable anesthetic. Now I’m not saying I don’t think anesthetics make many procedures safer and easier, but nipples? No… In my opinion it’s going to hurt more and add complications. But to each their own…

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BME Newsfeed for Jun 14, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Almost forgot: Joy Rumore Theft

Some bad news about one of ModBlog‘s more popular tattoo artists — Joy Rumore just had all of her tattoo gear stolen (read more here). If you’d like to help her out, you can click here to donate via PayPal.

Former posts of hers you may have enjoyed: BME Armpit Tattoos, Scar Tattoo, Egg to Frog, Animal Liberation Tattoo, Heart Tattoo, “No Pictures” Finger Tattoos, Dog Portrait Tattoo, and a Kimchi Inner Lip Tattoo.

One Love: Chapstick Tattoo

The crazy thing is that lip balm addiction is a pretty common claim that I’ve heard from its “addicts”. I suppose girliesabombshell is one of them… Tattoo by Frankie at Tattoo Marks in Souderton, PA.

Anyway… IAM is offline tonight for the copy, and there’s a chance that ModBlog will go down as well depending on load and upgrade issues. If you’re bored, please take some pictures of your latest mods (or whatever fun you’re having tonight) and send them to [email protected]!