This tattoo (by Airlie Aaron) could mean so many different things depending on the context it’s being viewed in!!! Yay for versatility.
Tag Archives: body-modification
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Pirate Abe Lincoln
by iam:mamabaer
“The things we do for beauty”
Pauly just had Howie (LunaCobra) increase the size of his forehead implant — which of course you can’t see at all right now because his face is so swollen from the abuse (note: this is not unusual)… Either that or Ken Shamrock started getting piercings and tattoos and decided to spend some more time with Tito in the octagon…
Bunny Tattoo
Raur explains her bunny tattoo by Stin at eyescreamtattoo in Ystad, Sweden:
“This symbolizes our bunny Puffy who is our little baby. Other people get their kids portraits tattooed on their body, and well, I got my bunny tattooed on me because I like the fact that in this way she will always be with me, even in the distant future when she isn’t here physically anymore.”
Is this explicit? I’m not sure.
Playing Guitar Hero Freebird while hanging from hooks
I am so sad… My housemate Jon just got his own place so his Guitar Hero game has moved down the street… It’s pretty much the only video game I’ve really enjoyed in the last decade, so I totally get this picture from Todd! Don’t tease him though — dude also suspends with rifles.
See also: suspending with a real guitar.
Sideburn Tattoos and Forehead Ridges
…and more of course, but that’s what caught my eye in this shot of iam:enrikay.
Artichoke Tattoo
By Tim Victim at Jester’s Court, Pittsburgh, PA
30mm Tunnel… but where is it?
Microdermal and Piercings
The microdermal is the one in front of metaldready‘s tragus, done at L’Extremiste in Arnhem, The Netherlands.