Attaching sunglasses to piercings?

Wow, I never thought this idea for piercing jewelry-attached eyeglasses patent would actually make it into production (it’s different than the pierced eyeglasses that BME has covered in the past). Barry sent me a link to what appears to be a commercialization of that patent, “ATTITUDE“, a pair of sunglasses that clip onto your eyebrow piercings rather than resting on your ears.

How stupid is commercializing that idea? I’ve got no problem with “experts” (people who understand their bodies) playing with things that don’t always work, but don’t push this stuff on a market that may not know better. I mean, unless the goal of the product is to get eyebrow piercings to reject, I just don’t see it being worth it. And anyone who really is in “the committed depths of Body Modification” (as they claim to be) should know that. It doesn’t matter what release mechanism you build in — even tiny amounts of pressure on an eyebrow piercing can radically speed up rejection.

Yes, you too could be this cool.

Well, I suppose there’s a sucker that doesn’t know any better born every minute — after all, think about how many people are perfectly willing to wear low-grade dollar-wholesale (or less) barbells (I’d say 90%+ of the market). Maybe they’ll make lots of money off this, and I’m sure they’ll even be able to find some leather skinned people who can wear them in the long term and post here complaining that rejection is not a risk… but personally I wouldn’t wear these if I cared about keeping my piercings as long as possible.

“Just call me Frankenstein”

Midian2000, one of the first people featured on ModBlog for his Lucio Fulci tattoo, has recently had this dermal anchor put in his neck (placed so it can be seen through his stretched lobe) by Didier at Enigma in San Diego, CA.

You may also know Midian2000 from the CD of IAM musicians we released on BME Records a few years back, or from the wildly successful So. Cal BME BBQ which is about to happen again this weekend for the sixth yearclick here for more details. I’ve heard some of the stuff they have planned and it sounds like it’s going to be a really nice time.

You should go!

Stupid Censorship

I think you’ve heard me complain/comment before about how since Google and everyone else is afraid of the government and/or the Church and/or personally has a problem with sexuality, it’s virtually impossible to get non-porn advertising for ModBlog. Now, while I think that it’s important to recognize that this type of financial censorship is still censorship, I’m more concerned about simply being permitted to document the activities that are recorded here and on BME in more detail. These activities are a huge part of modern and historical human behavior and I think it’s as important to understand and record them as the rest of the art and culture we produce as a species.

You may remember that quite a while back BME did an emergency move out of the United States (we were hosting out of California at the time, but are now back in Toronto where I live right now). If you’d like to know why, ask the recently sentenced folks who got three years in prison (down from over five) for shipping a nipple piercing video across state lines. This case also defined nipple piercing as “violence” and not protected under “free speech”. I can’t even begin to say how relieved I am that Canada has protection of “free expression” (including sexual expression), and that obscenity is defined by harm caused, not by moralism. So yeah, this picture goes out to all my friends at the FBI.

That said, with adult sites being “inspected” (if they’re searching your whole house, I think a better word would be “raided”) across the United States, I still am a little nervous that some of that censorship and oppression will flow North across the border. Well, at least now you know the real reason Christina Aguilera got rid of her nipple piercing, ha… Last thing she needs is to pay a $550,000 fine for letting anyone see it in public. Man, here in Toronto you can walk down the street topless with your nipple rings showing (male or female, thanks to equality laws), and there’s not a damn thing the cops can do about it… and CityTV can even broadcast it if they want to up their ratings!

First Microdermals in Place

Check out these new “microdermals” (jewelry by JD) by John at Scarab in Syracuse, NY. My feeling is that transdermals, at least the current “labret clover” technology, have too low a success rate, so I’m very interested in dermal anchors like these (which even if they don’t have a higher success rate in the end, at least are easy to remove, unlikely to go toxic, and don’t leave a major scar).

Giant nostrils (and septum), jewelry removed

Since my last post on Pauly Unstoppable generated so much feedback, I’d like to give you another angle as well as showing you what this intense body modification looks like without the jewelry in place (and check out the “see from one side to the other” jade look).

PS. More large stretched and punched nostril piercings on BME.