“When crazy ideas are acted upon”

No, they’re not murdering the suspendee… It’s a 420 volcano vapor suspension! Wow that must have been an intense experience! (Sure beats beer and pizza!)

Edit (quote from Josh): “I hope you all enjoy the pics of the vape suspension as much as I enjoyed doing it! I would personally like to thank all of my brothers who helped this crazy idea actually happen! It was definintly an experiance I will NEVER forget!…. There’s nothing quite like suspending while breathing only THC vapors for over twenty minutes! WOW! …. AND Always remember to FIGHT the FIGHT! Whether it be MODIFYING OUR BODIES or CHOOSING TO CONSUME CANNABIS, the Government has NO FUCKING right to impose their dogmatic moral judgements us and impede on our persuit of LIFE, LIBERTY, and HAPPINESS!”

Playing Guitar Hero Freebird while hanging from hooks

I am so sad… My housemate Jon just got his own place so his Guitar Hero game has moved down the street… It’s pretty much the only video game I’ve really enjoyed in the last decade, so I totally get this picture from Todd! Don’t tease him though — dude also suspends with rifles.

See also: suspending with a real guitar.