So that’s how it works!

Each of these photos (all submitted by different people) could easily make their own ModBlog post, but in the interest of BME synchronicity and killing three birds with one stone I’m going to combine them here — and sadly miss out on all the “dying happy” jokes I could be cracking about the first photo. Anyway, do the math (and click to zoom in):

+ =


Yeah, we’re back! I’ll bet you were starting to wonder if we were ever going to post here again, and I’m happy to say that the deep stupor of the holiday drug binge is wearing off and I’m no longer terrified that the keys on my laptop are sending me secret messages from the abyss by their bizarre qwertiesque arrangement. Read on below for the first posts of the New Year. Many more will follow!

A few more geeky tattoos

Following up on BME’s extensive coverage of geek tattoos, here’s a little geek loving for you by Aric at Viva Tattoo in Rochester:

“Bite me” tattoos aren’t that uncommon, but maybe this is the first “byte me” one I’ve seen… Hello? This is 1983 calling — I want my computer club t-shirt back! Thanks to Tim for sending this tattoo by Glenn Scott in Dayton, Ohio.

Or how about a computeriffic sacred heart?

This tattoo below (done at Last Rites) is on a whole group of people — the 1337 KR3W I suppose? I’m not sure if it’s tongue in cheek right now because part of me thinks that if you claim to be elite, you’re probably not. That said, I’m a dude with a ’74 Corvette with a license plate that reads L33T so don’t think I’m not in a glass house!

I like this haxor tattoo the best though because it doesn’t take itself too seriously:

That was done by Universoul Mutations in Cadillac, MI.

The Evil Monkey Who Lives in My Closet

Even though it’s the holidays and I think I probably deserve a break, I’ve tried to post lots of stuff to keep you amused. You got a big tattoo gallery today, a piercing shot, and even a couple suggestive entries of pretty girls. So no complaining! But if you do… Here’s who I’m sending your way.

Family Guy tattoo done by Toran Marshall at Generation X in Willoughby, Ohio.

Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoo Gallery

By far the most popular movie tattoo theme, by a significant margin I’d say, is The Nightmare Before Christmas (search BME for terms like “nightmare christmas” or “skellington” to see lots more). Given that Jack’s journey into this holiday starts today, let me share some of the Nightmare Before Christmas tattoos that I’ve received over the past few years.

You can click on any of the pictures below to zoom in. The last one is not the Pumpkin King, but the Drunken King — the day Jack Skellington decided to go Irish and take over St. Paddy’s Day instead. Anyway, if you have a Nightmare tattoo (or any tattoo), email me a high res copy to [email protected] (and get yourself a free BME membership in the process).

I’ll try and post more Christmas and seasonal themed tattoos over the next few days.