I thought this was a good example of an ideal result from UV-ink tattooing. The result here at least appears to be relatively invisible in normal daylight, but then jumps out when under a blacklight at a club… This example is by Richie’s Tats in Lancaster, California. Be warned though — there is no guarantee that UV ink won’t be visible under normal light at least a little (in part because of the ink’s presence, and in part because of the minor scarring that somtimes accompanies tattooing).
Tag Archives: tattoos
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EXPLORER knuckle tattoo
I’ll post some more tattoo entries later today, but as knuckle tattoos go, I like the one that IAM:pillpoppinfun got done. You may remember Jesse from the “Have Mursi!” lip plates article. Check out his page for lots of big stretching…
Tattoo Cross-Section
On the off chance that you’ve been wondering what a dermal punched chunk of tattooed tissue looks like, here you go (c/o Matteo at Il Settimo Cerchio in Bologna, Italy).
Blackwork Facial Tattoos
I just wanted to say that I really like the facial tattoo that Kaustika (who’s also from here in Mexico) had done by Nazareno Tubaro in Argentina… I’ve seen some other blackwork by Nazareno (such as the gorgeous work on the already striking La Negra) and am definitely a fan of his work and aesthetic.
Poland’s not so bad…
For those of you who can’t keep your hands out of your pants, here’s a gift from my friend Pawel in Poland. More are on BME on course in today’s update.
Quickie and Dirty Tattoo Miscellany
Grr… I had a whole lot of entries set up to post and then had a couple crashes and lost them. I’ll try and get them up in the morning. Anyway, like I said, this is a quick and dirty post, so let’s start with something dirty by IAM:xDYINGxTOxLIVEx (check his page for more stuff).
I suspect that this tattoo may hurt the client who got it with the ladies (or the guys). Ah, bugchasers. Maybe I’m missing the point of the tattoo, but all I can see is “I <3 STDs”
I like this response to a back inury… when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? I’ll avoid injecting some nasty “when life gives you a gash in the back, make…” echo and let the picture speak for itself. Tattoo by Anna at Anna’s Artat2 in Bunnell, Florida.
And speaking of pinups, it’s my old friend Masuimi Max, as tattooed by Larry Brogan over at Tattoo City. If memory serves that’s based on a print by Olivia, but my memory does not always serve.
Um. Let’s branch off into offensive territory. I’ve been getting a lot of concerned mail about this photo. I guess it says kill all the white man or something like that. Brujeria fans I suspect?
Americans use us for wiping their asses
They treat us like pig shit
Have balls and be men
A… trip north
Centuries pass and our race is fucked up
American bastards, they give us dick and…
Forced into poverty,
We are…
Your vengance will be your dark destiny
Killing white boys – Long live the race!!!
Killing white boys – Like Pancho Villa!!!
Killing white boys – Satan takes care of you
Killing white boys – Killing white boys!!!
Machete in hand and hot native blood
Satanic force, looking for vengance
In the north we will take over
Killing white boys – Long live the race!!!
Killing white boys – Like Ricky Ramirez!!!
Killing white boys – Satan takes care of you
Killing white boys – Killing white boys!!!
See, racism isn’t limited to gringos.
But for those of you inspired to come kill whitey, let me remind you that whitey is well armed. I’ll have to do a dedicated entry on it some time, but gun tattoos are very common — many people even get very accurate gun tattoos, including the serial number of their favorite gun. Anyway, this piece is by Hans Martinsson over at Tattoo Martin in Skövde, Sweden.
Maybe you like your evil traditional? Here’s an Anton Lavey (Church of Satan founder) portrait by Rizob Pace at Revolution Studios in Omaha, Nebraska.
On the slim chance that any staunch Republicans are reading this, I’ll give you your own dose of your own personal Satan, Michael Moore. This is by Cory Ferguson at Enlightened Art in Oakville, Ontario.
Now someone send me in an Anne Coulter portrait and the trifecta started by the posting of an Ayn Rand tattoo will be completed. Addictive guilty-pleasure site by the way, check it out…
People in glass houses sink ships
I thought I’d vaguely follow up on the many are chosen, few are pict tattoo with some tattoos from Boondock Saints, which we’ve been seeing more of lately (there are also some posted on the community site‘s “fan submission” section, although I can’t link to it directly due to their terrible flash interface) for some reason (be it simply that it’s a great movie, or perhaps a little clever marketing as well). In any case, here’s a very small assortment of them from the BME galleries…
“There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will repent.
And we will send you to whatever god you wish.“
Interface with my ass by biting it!
Some of you may be saying to yourselves, “I’m kind of pissed off that Shannon hasn’t bothered to post on ModBlog in a few days,” as if it’s actually an obligation that I have. In this case, as in all others, I will allow the prophet Bender to speak for me.
Very punny.
This is from George in Buckie, Scotland, who had the tattoo done by Terry Ritchie at Thistle Tattoo Studio in Lossiemouth, Moray, Scotland. Many are chosen, few are pict.
Travel Photos
I mentioned John Durante of Laughing Buddha in Seattle a few entries back… Since I also recently posted about the rituals in Phuket, I thought I’d post a picture from his travels in Trang, Thailand (2001) — I wonder why this guy chose handcuffs?
More from his travels; here’s a picture of him and his Punan grandmas in Punan Ba, Sarawak, Borneo back in 1999.