Finger Food

At first glance I thought this tattoo said “EAT THE RICE”, which reminded me of a time I was walking past a Chinese restaurant in Toronto, and the sign outside simply said “EAT MORE RICE, NOW!!” I didn’t listen, of course..

Anyway, I’m not exactly sure what it’s referring to, but I prefer to think it’s because rich people are grain fed from birth and tend to be plumper.

By Meg McNeil, Love and Hate Tattoo, Phoenix, Arizona.

Grin and Wear It.

Try telling IAM: wearethesynthetic that BME kids are a miserable bunch, if he doesn’t kick your arse his son will!

I got a new tattoo on Saturday. It’s a graffiti tag of my four month old son’s name – Sage. It was also a cover-up of some dumb-shit thing I did when I was young. They’re pretty cute cuz my boy is wearing a bme-baby onesie that my chick’s sister made for him.

What Does Not Destroy You..

Makes you stronger!

This is another time I wish I had more background information but the sender did include this..

This is my first tattoo. It’s a Nietzsche quote (and my back surgery scar).. One kind of caused the other.

This is purely a guess but I’m assuming they knew in advance that they would need to be operated upon and the area that was going to be, hence the tattoo and the comment above. Either way, I hope you’re doing ok!