The Clash Tattoo

This tattoo is actually based on The Clash’s “Know your Rights” and was done by Dana at She-Devils in Shreveport, Louisiana. I can’t imagine though how much this is misinterpreted as a gun rights tattoo.

[Right] Number 1
You have the right not to be killed
Murder is a CRIME!
Unless it was done by a
Policeman or aristocrat
Know your rights

And Number 2
You have the right to food money
Providing of course you
Don’t mind a little
Investigation, humiliation
And if you cross your fingers

Number 3
You have the right to free
Speech as long as you’re not
Dumb enough to actually try it.


I don’t know if the falling girl is Halsey or at least Halsey-inspired, but the lyrics on the banner are from the Elliott Smith song Happiness. Tattoo by Kurt Fagerland at Cort’s Royal Ink in Patchougue, Long Island, New York.

but I knew that he’d never forget her
while her memory worked in reverse
to keep her safe from herself
and oh my, nothing else could’ve been done
she made her life a lie

“Nigga-Rican” Tattoo

The wearer explains, “[It’s] who I am — Damn, I love this thing…”. But, like I said, I’m just a farm boy from a goat dairy, and while I totally appreciate the value and legitimacy of the tattoo, it would be very hard for me to say out loud. I don’t know if that makes me a wuss, but I start Systema tomorrow, so come and tell me that in a year you bastards!

Live Free

I agree. By Dave from Big Kahuna in Boca Raton, FL.

You’ll notice today that I did a lot of posts, like the last time. You’ll also notice that it’s very late as I post this. I’ve been working incredibly long hours on the BME encyclopedia and other projects, and it’s wiping me out. So I think for a little while I may post every two or three days, but make them nice big sets.

I also wanted to apologize for the problems with the comment system… that’s what slows down the front page load, and as you know, it returns no posts (0) instead of the actual number about half the time, which sucks… I need to recode it…

Anyway, if you’re bored, come help with the wiki!

“I am not special” tattoo

This is actually done in mirror writing (I’ve flipped the photo), so this is what the wearer sees in the mirror every morning. Tattoo by Billy at Dreamtime Tattoos in Springfield, IL… Now, I hate saying this because it pains me to criticize anyone’s tattoo, but I believe this is unhealthy. I think that if you have a tattoo like this, it’s negative conditioning, and eventually you are convinced it’s true. But I’m going to object —

You are special!