Piercing guns are bad, but machine guns are awesome!

Every year a few hundred piercers, and nearly as many piercees and body mod fans in general venture into Las Vegas Nevada for the annual Associations of Professional Piercers convention. Of those few hundred people, every year a few dozen of them go to the gun range to shoot various machine guns, high caliber pistols and other assorted bits of explosive awesomeness. This picture, courtesy of Robin captures one such group who made that venture this year.


Brian , Noah , RobinSantos,  Cere and V

Sitting-Michelle and Jareb

Congrats Grads!

This picture and accompanying note came to use from Stacey, let it be a heart congrats to all graduates from us humble modblog authors.


Tis the season of college graduations, this pic represents my own personal accomplishment of receiving my Bachelors degree in Music Business/Management, but I’d like to send out a big congrats to my fellow graduates for whatever field they have completed, whether you’re a marine biologist, just finished your piercing apprenticeship, or any other of the millions of fields one can go into. I thought it would be nice for BME to recognize personal accomplishments of those who face discrimination for their mods yet pursue their dreams. Congrats all!!!!

Adventures in childbirth

This had been sitting in my inbox a while and somehow got overlooked. Anyhow, better late than never right? Congrats guys!

I wanted to submit some photos from a recent shoot that we did with customers of mine from  wanted to submit some photos from a recent shoot that we did with customers of mine from Tellierstudios in Waterloo, NY these are pics of myself (formerly: iam dtm) and my wife with our daughter Rowen lily .  On March 11th we actually delivered our son ourselves. We had planned on having an at home assisted delivery with our Midwife Meg, but our son had other plans. The time between the water breaking and his actually delivery was less than a minute and a half. Basically she pushed and I caught..lol we made our call to 911 and I tied and cut the cord myself. A little later emts arrived and wanted us to go to the hospital , which was completely contrary to what we had planned. so we waited on the midwife to show. Our son Wyatt Danger Ross was born at about 11:30 at night with no complications and is healthy and doing fine. in waterloo ny these are pics of myself (iam dtm) and my wife (iam bribri) with our daughter Rowen lily .  On March 11th we actually delivered our son ourselves. We had planned on having an at home assisted delivery with our Midwife Meg, but our son had other plans. The time between the water breaking and his actually delivery was less than a minute and a half. Basically she pushed and i caught..lol we made our call to 911 and I tied and cut the cord myself. A little later emts arrived and wanted us to go to the hospital , which was completely contrary to what we had planned. so we waited on the midwife to show. Our son Wyatt Danger Ross was born at about 11:30 at night with no complications and is healthy and doing fine.
For some more current pics of the family check out Bri Bri’s page. For 2 more shots from this set, keep on keeping on.

BME Girls Calendar 05/17/2010


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!

About being a featured girl: This event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.

About voting: Votes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the girl was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.

I don’t know if Marilyn’s mark was this high but…

….I sure find these high monroe piercings interesting. They are so high, they almost border on a “nick” piercing, except they are still (comparatively to the Nick piercings at least) horizontal piercings.


I am curious as to what effect these piercings would have on the gums as I can’t imagine there is anyway the backs are perpendicular to the pierced tissue, but without a picture of the inside of his mouth I am left to guess.

These were done by Sarita who works at Chrome In London.

BME Boys Calendar 05/12/2010


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of boys who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Boys Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!





Austin (photo’s by Sarasil)







About being a featured boy: This event is open to all BME Boys age 18 and over. BOYS of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (if you have one) and your real name in the email.

About voting: Votes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of boy you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the boy was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each boy got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the boys. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.


Last weekend we had a guy come into our shop who was a true character. His name was Nico Joy and his performing nickname was N-Joy (not to be confused with the g-spot stimulating adult toys by the same name). He came in and inquired about getting a tattoo, a decent sized stomach rocker with his name and below it “aka N-Joy”. He ended up not getting anything, explaining that he usually gets his work done in DC and that it is way cheaper.

At one point he showed us this tattoo as a reference for what he could get for “80 bucks and a 5 dollar tip” in DC, and I think it sums it up well.


BME Girls 05/08/2010


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!


Miss Kas
Danger Kirby

About being a featured girlThis event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.

About votingVotes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the girl was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.

From The Vault: Female Chastity

I decided to hit up a gallery I haven’t really looked in before to find a feature for modblog, so I checked out the Female Chastity gallery on BME Hard.  There were some fairly recent additions from last December, but just three pages back I found these pictures from 2005! To go back five years in only three pages is a rarity on BME, and I know there are quite a few ladies who partake in these sort of activities, so here is my chance to politely ask those ladies to start submitting some pictures!


Obvously, handcuffs alone don’t quite cut it for chastity, so for the  chastity piercing you are going to have to keep on keeping on.



Chastity devices come in all types, for all sexes, but for the ultimate commitment it takes piercings. Obviously, the most common use of piercings for chastity is like what is shown here, labia piercings connected to close off the vaginal entrance. Either inner or outer labia piercings can achieve this effect and the more pairs done, the more effective as chastity devices. In these pictures the wearer is connecting 2 cbr’s with a padlock, but a more secure way of doing this would be to wear the padlock through the piercings themselves. Another, example of female chastity is the clit shield, which doesn’t stop penetration but (theoretically) stops clitoral stimulation. For more examples of female chastity, via piercings and other methods, check out the gallery. Of course,  the boys aren’t left out, they have their own gallery as well.