Illegal in the UK?

Depending on the way you interpret the proposed new legislation (and promised wave of crackdowns) on “violent pornography” stuff like this is potentially illegal again (read BME’s old Spannerman coverage) in the UK (both possesion and production). I don’t think* that there is any intent to go after consensual and non-commercial private activities such as those documented here, but if you’re a reader of commercial sites (as in sites where the models are paid to be tortured, rather than choosing it for themselves and sharing pictures), I would strongly urge you to keep the webcache on your computer cleared on the million to one chance they decide to go Big Brother on you.

I’d also encourage UK readers to visit the Spanner Trust.

* I may be overly optimistic here, given the lessons of history.


OK, I admit that I faked this Polaroid from Jayme, but I was wondering if people reading this still have instant cameras? If anyona does, and feels like sending me a photo that I can post here, I’ll send you a nice big sticker pack in return. (Oh, and my address if you don’t already have it, at least for the next nine months or something, is Shannon Larratt, 2545A Dundas St W, Toronto ON, M6P1X6 Canada).

Oh, I almost forgot — tattoos by Brent Pattern at Forever Tattoo in Sacramento, CA.

BME Newsfeed for Sep 3, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Louisa’s 66mm Lobes

You’ve seen her on the BME cover before I think, but I just had to share another photo — so cute! Anyway, have a good weekend everyone. I know I always say I’m not going to post, but then end up posting anyway, but I may not post much until later next week because my daughter starts school then and I think I’ll be quite busy until in the interim!