Holstein Cow Tattoo

You know, now that I think about it, I don’t get that many farming specific tattoos. So as a person who lived for a while on a dairy farm (and had plenty of Holsteins that I had to get up at 5AM to milk) I kind of liked getting this picture of Jukka’s tattoo… As a point of trivia, Finland (where they live) has more farmland per capita than nearly anywhere in the world!

Cheap Jewelry Sucks

Folks, this is why you shouldn’t buy cheap crap jewelry. I’m thinking about posting who made this but I haven’t decided yet whether I want the legal fight. But I will tell you that this jewelry was not removed from a human — it was in storage for a few months in a drawer for a few months in its original packaging… Think what would have happened if it had been in, say, a tongue for a few months!

Good jewelry is expensive because the materials being used are high quality. Do you really want to skimp on this? Maybe this helps illustrate why a good barbell doesn’t cost $2.99.

Wasps in a tube (Snakes on a plane?)

I have to share the story that came with this:

"It's hard to come up with new and different ideas without ending up in the hospital."

"Here I am with two wasps crawling around on my cock. They refused to sting me until I ran around and rolled over on the ground flopping my cock around and on top of them and then they both stung me. My cock swelled up and itched like mad for two days!"

Oh, BME/HARD, I love you so.

No modblog today, but…

Those of you with experience editing wikis, we’re converting the BME encyclopedia to that interface. It’s not going to be public access for now (the editing), so I really really need editors — click here for more information on how to sign up.

The “I don’t want to grow up” classic Nintendo controller tattoo here is by Pugzley at Black Cat Tattoo in Austin, TX. Sorry I couldn’t post more today, but I need to focus on this other work tonight. I will post tomorrow though!