“Old Main” (Santa Fe, NM) Prison Suspension

Outside of the fact that the folks from Ascension Suspension have some of the best performers in America, they also get some of the best locations. They recently did a photoshoot at the “Old Main” Prison in Santa Fe, NM, which was closed in 1999 and was the site of one of America’s most violent prison riots. *Stitch* suspended from a rope between the railings of the second tier in one of the cellblocks, and Kasja hung from a catwalk over the “Sally Port” (where buses and trucks enter and exit the prison), and they took their staff photos in the gas chamber.

There are more photos after the break that Steve Truitt took, and hopefully in the future I’ll post an entry with some of the pro photos as well.






Bach Fan Tattoo

So I discovered recently that sometimes people get music tattoos that aren’t the HIM logo or something Slipknot related! Anji from High Priestess in Eugene, OR sent this one in;

“She’s a musician, she plays classical music, and she loves Bach. So we did an exact copy of his signature on her. The ink is black mixed down with a little brown, so as it heals it will look warm, like olde timey calligraphy ink. I really like this tattoo — sometimes the little stuff is my favorite.”

I agree, and I really like the subtle touch of mixing brown in with the black ink.


Filia Caedus: Daughter Slaughter

Sean sent me this picture of a tattoo he got for the joke band he’s in with his two best friends — “Daughter Slaughter” (which they translate into Latin as “Filia Caedus Caedes”). Anyway, the reason I’m posting it is the photo got me thinking that there are some modifications that force an inherently humorous moment a la the left half of the picture. Guiche piercing is up there as well… Especially for piercers that make their clients get on all fours on the bench.


Two-Hook Resurrection Suspension

In one of 2007′s most intense suspensions, Christiane (PinPoint Piercing, Oslo and Wings of Desire) did this amazing two point resurrection-style suspension at the 2007 Oslo Suscon (with Håvve‘s lifting help) — thanks to Stephan for the photos, who adds, “Christiane was going up, hanging, and coming down just like it was an every day suspension — very impressive.”

Lots more pictures after the break.






“Game of Life” Tattoo Update

You probably remember that about a month before I lost the ability to post here directly Nicole sent in some great shots of the outline of her “Game of Life” chestpiece tattoo by Chat Whitson at Art and Soul (warning: link has loud music) in Kalamazoo. He’s had a chance to fill it, and, as expected, it looks quite amazing. There are a couple of closeups after the break.

PS. Thanks to Roo for helping get the images for this entry!




“The most fun ever for a school project”

Myjah’s friend Alex was taking a photography course at their local community college, and for his final project, an elective, he asked for Myjah’s help.

He gave me a call and asked if I would let him snap a couple of photos of the few mods I have. Of course, that led to him asking if I would actually consent to being pierced by him that night, and voila! My first play piercing session. I think the funniest bit about it was that he had the most stand-out subject in the class — everybody else shot pictures of their pets or houses, albeit in an artsy way. I have a feeling we had more fun with this final than the others.

Below is one of Alex’s black and white shots (“with mild boobage”), and after the break are a few more photos that were taken with Myjah’s digital camera.




GAME Suspension Scene Outtakes

This is far from the first time that the folks from Ascension Suspension have done a movie appearance, but Steve just wrote me with some teaser shots from the work they did with the team from Game, a dystopian movie about future MMPOG environments gone wrong.

In the photos, as well as Kasja, *Stitch*, and _Stigmata_, are Efrain Ramirez (Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite), Brian Taylor (the bald guy — the director), and Gerard Butler (who you probably know better from 300). The shoot went well, so fingers crossed that as well as the scene in the movie, we’ll get to see the footage in the DVD extras in 2009/2010.






Josh’s Permanent Pinkeye


Of course you know my friend Josh, who was one of the three of us who got the initial eyeball tattoos. That first one was done via an injection, a difficult and perhaps risky way of doing it. He had a friend attempt the procedure using a cosmetic tattoo machine with mixed results as you can see below (or not see due to the ink colour). They’re going to try again with a regular tattoo machine, although I still believe personally that injection (if you’re not looking for a design, as such) offers the most dramatic results.
