Suspending at a playground

I get the impression that Norway may be a more liberal culture than we have here in Christianized North America… Silje did this suspension with the help of Tobben in Oslo — the funny thing is that the family on the tire politely asked them if it was alright if they used the swing as well. Ah, to live in a free and friendly country (alright, Canada’s pretty nice, but I don’t think I could get away with this at the park down the street)…

DIY Finger Amputation

Alex is a voluntary LAK, RAK, and RBE amputee* and is now also stubbing the fingers on his right hand (I mentioned the interviews a few days ago but if you want to know more, for starters read this interview with my late friend Chaz about voluntary amputationyou may also want to read this to see what kind of guy he was before you judge him and other voluntary amputees). He used ice to do the initial DIY anesthesia and then cleanly chopped it off. There was almost no bleeding, but definitely lots of pain. Click on through if you want to see the remainders.

That reminds me, if you want to see a free video of a DIY amputation, view the final Uvatiarru trailer (yeah, the movie is still in its ultra-extended production cycle, sorry).

* Left above the knee, right above the knee, and right below the elbow.