
Oh, Joeltron…


Keep reading after the break to see exactly how this contraption was installed.

Hopefully enough people had the momentary whimsy of not realizing that was a photoshop job on the jewelry? Side note; I sure do love Joeltron’s eyeball tattoo by the way — the bright green that both he and now Eva Medusa have (gosh I love that when I post on ModBlog, rather than just on Facebook, I can actually easily find old entries and link to them!!!) is such a great colour for eyeballs. Now if we could only figure out how to do mirrored eyes…

Anyway, what you’re actually looking at is the jewelry that Joeltron ( and used on Sally Hacket’s ear, one of his chaotic and technological trondustrials. They’re a bit of a love it or hate it aesthetic I think, with some people seeing them as neo-cyberpunk masterpieces, and other people seeing them as the earwork version of a scribble. In this case he built the jewelry out of an Industrial Strength connecty bit, Anatometal hearts and barbells, and “lots of joiny doo-dads and miscellaneous bits”. If you look carefully you can see the divets where the pieces all connect. Unlike most industrials of this type, Joeltron builds out of smaller components joined together to make a larger whole, rather than bending a single long bar into a complex shape — this technique adds to the high-tech sci-fi look that he’s going for I think (zoom for a closer look).


Guess What?

I wasn’t going to post a second guess what today, but after cropping this photo I figured that some people might not be able to tell what it is.  So here we go, another round of Guess What?

Read on to see if you guessed right.

Honestly, I think this one is probably an easy one to guess, but since it’s been a while since we’ve seen a tattooed full subincision alongside a deep shaft piercing.

Credit goes to Joeltron and Howie for the wide variety of modifications you’re seeing.

Nip Split

This is one of those cautionary tales that somehow turned out all right in the end.  Of course, it took the help of three modification artists to make it happen, but I’d say it was worth it.  Here’s the story in Joeltron’s words.

Originally pierced at 12g and stretched WAY too fast to 12mm (by himself) with acrylic stretchers. Never a good thing, especially for this poor nipple! After the reconstruction they are nearly totally back to normal, except for a little bit of lost sensation.

So with the help of Howie and B-Slice, Joel was able to revert this nipple disaster.