Biblical or Medical?


I figured I ought to wait until Sunday to post my new tattoo here since it’s scriptural in nature — my third scripture tattoo, which may surprise people, but even if you’re not Christian (I’m not), if you know the Bible well, scriptural references are an extremely efficient way of communicating). This is of course Matthew 5:30;

5:30  And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

The tattoo is on top of a large benign bone tumor that’s being removed this summer. The leg may or may not come off as well, but honestly, my attitude is pretty well summed up by Matthew 5:30. I’d rather have no leg than a gimpy leg or a leg that’s always in pain, and for whatever reason, reminding myself that this decision is ultimately inside my control helps me deal with the stress.

It’s brand-new-fresh in this photo and was done by the brilliant Chino who’s currently working here in Toronto at King of Fools. Best script artist in Toronto (not that that’s all he does!!!) in my opinion.


Tree Hanging Hippies

Put your feet up and ogle @ this gorgeous footage courtesy of the recently formed 42 Suspension Group (Benny, Jojo and Zera), I’ll leave it up to you to decide why they chose 42..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

In the video are – Benny, Julia, Alena and Alex (coming to an IAM near you soon).

BME Newsfeed for May 12, 2007

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

“The things we do for beauty”

Pauly just had Howie (LunaCobra) increase the size of his forehead implant — which of course you can’t see at all right now because his face is so swollen from the abuse (note: this is not unusual)… Either that or Ken Shamrock started getting piercings and tattoos and decided to spend some more time with Tito in the octagon…

Bunny Tattoo

Raur explains her bunny tattoo by Stin at eyescreamtattoo in Ystad, Sweden:

“This symbolizes our bunny Puffy who is our little baby. Other people get their kids portraits tattooed on their body, and well, I got my bunny tattooed on me because I like the fact that in this way she will always be with me, even in the distant future when she isn’t here physically anymore.”