Leopard Suited Man

Detritus sends in this unusual full-body concept tattoo that he photographed at the recent Skintech Expo 2007. I can just imagine the conversation with the tattoo artist…

Client: I want you to tattoo me so it looks like I'm wearing a leopard suit.

Tattoo Artist: Oh, like Tom Leppard? Yeah, I can tattoo you like a leopard.

Client: No, no, you don’t understand. I want to be tattooed so it looks like I’m wearing a leopard print spandex outfit. I don’t want to look like an animal — I want to look like a human dressed up as an animal.

Maybe the collar line and hand lines are just drawn on, I don’t know, but they definitely put a very different visual spin on it! In any case, hats off to the guy for choosing such a single-minded tattoo and running with it. The world most definitely needs more people with faux leopard suits, be they suits or be they skin.

BME Newsfeed for Mar 28, 2007

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Angel and Devil

Kelso writes, “here’s a nice picture I took of two very nice girls I know.” I guess he knows them fairly well. Oh and for those of you who need less cropping and always complain when I don’t include a more explicit click-through, click on through. I like the backpiece, but is the other tattoo a frog smoking a joint? Or do I just see what I want to see?

Paisley Hip Tattoos

Mike sends in this photo he took of Tovah, after she had these nice paisley tattoos put on by Tomasso Tattoo of Italy (at the 2006 Detroit Tattoo Convention). I hope the design is extended further down in the long run (and no, not just so I can hope a picture is sent in, but because I believe that tattoos should always be designed for the nude… but maybe that’s just me).

BME Newsfeed for Mar 27, 2007

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White over black tattooing

Danny had a tribal tattoo on his shoulder he wanted to “upgrade”, so he had Johnny at Skinworks in Holland first tattoo it totally black, and after it was completed, the lotus and cherry blossoms were added over top using white ink (see also: a white dragon chestpiece over black done using a similar method).