Scars augmenting tattoos

I’ve featured tattoos that augment scarification projects, and I’ve featured scars that destroy pigment, done over top of tattoos, but this is one of the first cases where I’ve seen a scar done on a tattoo after the fact where the keloids were intended to augment the tattoo! Thanks to Joshlobes for sending this, both fresh and well into its healing.

BME Newsfeed for Feb 11, 2007

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Allan Farkner Teaches Suspension

Comments on Allen Falkner teaching suspension, via Fark (click for full forum and link to original story, thanks Testa for the pointer);

Dude seriously needs a hook through his brain next.

Gives new meaning to the phrase “The suspense is killing me.”

The guy I lost my virginity to did the first “ass suspension.” Thank god this was years after we boned.

Ass suspension? Just how does that work? Hang on to a buttplug with you sphincter of godly strength? Drive hooks through your buttcheek muscles? Geez…

It gets philosophical though as well.

Gosh, have you ever stuck the blade of a hunting knife up your ass? Maybe it would be transcendent. Can’t say it isn’t till you try it.

Or maybe you don’t need to actually need to stick a hunting knife up your ass to know that there is nothing transcendent about it and that anyone who would actually enjoy doing that has serious mental issues. Such a person does not need to embrace their inner ass-knifer, they need to seek help to find out why their mind craves such clearly psychologically deviant and destructive behavior.

Anyway, I’m going to go satisfy my inner ass-knifer now.

BME Newsfeed for Feb 10, 2007

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