I like how this self portrait that RuinsOfDecay took to highlight her 0ga septum piercing turned out.
Tag Archives: body-modification
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Riding the Trainer
Pretty funny photo — I’ve been trying to figure out if the chair has just been painted on the wall?
“Winter sucks,” says Scotty B! Personally I like winter, but I’m into big trucks with big tires, not ecologically and physically responsible vehicles unfortunately. Tattoos by Scott Sylvia, Jef Whitehead, Jeff Rassier, and Ben Thompson at Blackheart Tattoo in San Francisco, CA.
Invisible Men and Women
I don’t know if I’m stretching my political analogies too far, but I thought these two tattoos had a conceptual overlap. On the left of course is WWII symbol Rosie the Riveter, and on the right, Claude Rains (I think that’s what version it is) from The Invisible Man (1933). Either way, nice greywork by Ron Antonick at Gen X Tattoos in Willoughby, Ohio (just east of Cleveland).
It’s going to be a Japanese sleeve
…Even though it features a beagle, far from a common motif. But beagles are such friendly dogs that I don’t blame him at all! Tattoo by Aaron Coleman at Immaculate Tattoo in Mesa, AZ.
“They don’t let me out of the house”
A series of play piercings
Click through for a second procedural photo of Banger the Porn Star (nice username) doing a series of eyebrow play piercings, photographed by Jim Marcus at the Kresege Art Center in East Lansing, MI. The photo that you see here (before the click-through) was taken during an intense endorphin rush that almost stopped the photo shoot.
Stars, stars, stars
People love star tattoos (and check out BME’s massive gallery of star tattoos), including Little Ramona (left, tattooed by Marky at Adrenaline in Vancouver, BC), and on the right, some star fans tattooed by Peter at Bekö Art in Leipzig, Germany.
Bride of Christ
Gotta love nuns and their special relationship with Jesus. See the Shadark bonus gallery in BME/HARD for more in this series.
Communist or Democrat?
I’m going to say that with 100% certainty that the wearer of this tattoo of a Commie Democrat Donkey having its ass kicked by a big American Republican Elephant watches FOX News and dreams about banging a she wolf. Funny work though by Ryan Speed at Gen X Tattoos in Willoughby, Ohio.
It’s just makeup :(
Her nice big piercings of course are real, done by Onkeltom at Tom Tom in Stockholm, Sweden, but Anna’s blue facial tattoos are of course just makeup. I love them though… it’s too bad the world isn’t more permissive… Can you imagine how beautiful an experience it would be to walk down the street and see nothing but people with a myriad of appearances and visages like this?