When scarification goes bad

Update: First, the person in this procedure healed fine and is very happy. Second, I want to make it clear that while this procedure looks very intense, it’s probably less intense as a procedure than some large skin removal work, transscrotal piercings, implants, tongue splitting, and all the other procedures generally accepted by the body modification community.

Ok, this is a pretty gory entry. I apologize for that. But I think it’s important to emphasize that when you do large scale scarification (or sometimes small scale), sometimes the keloid grows out of control and starts getting very uncomfortable, restricting mobility, and so on. This piece was only about a month old in the photos below (it was done by a “well known body modification artist” who’s gonna stay unnamed because that’s not the point of the entry) and the customer was quite unhappy and wanted it dealt with.

Samppa Von Cyborg and Lukas Zpira got together to help him as much as they could. They felt that all of it was cut too deep, and did their best to excise the tissue, although the centre keloid was not removed (I’m assuming it was adhered right to the cartilage at bottom of the sternum). Starting with some exploratory cuts:

Mostly off and looking very gory:

As you can see, quite a chasm of tissue was removed! Check out the fatty tissue below:

Once stitched up, I can’t imagine how relived and happy the customer must have been. It’s a pretty intense removal, and a lot to go through, but Lukas and Samppa did a nice job restoring him… Hopefully the removal doesn’t have similar keloiding issues (sometimes it’s a problem that snowballs).

Finally, the gross out shot of the removed tissue:

Please take scarification seriously!!!

A Century Ago: Tattoos as ID

I posted recently an interview with a soldier tattooing in Afghanistan, and we talked a little about the recent military bans and then un-bans on tattoos… I thought it would be interesting to share with you this story about the military use of tattoos from the April 17, 1895 edition of The Washington Post.

Identified by Tattoo Marks

Recruiting officers of the Army are aided greatly in keeping undesirable characters out of the service by the “outline figure” card record.

Under War Department oders issued in 1889, record is made by Army medical officers of indelible or permanent marks as may be found on the persons of accepted recruits for the Army. The information is forwarded to the Surgeon General of the Army. The object in view is to obtain evidence for the identification of men with bad records who have had previous army service. The system has worked great benefit to the service and is viewed by good soldiers as greatly conducive to their protection.

Speaking of using tattoos to identify people, here’s another story on identifying children, from the Twin-City News (Uhrichsville and Dennison, Ohio, October 19, 1899).

We are told that since the Clark kidnapping case many parents are having a hidden tattoo mark placed upon their children for purposes of identification. This is given upon the authority of the most noted tattooer in America, who furnishes a quality of strange and interesting facts in an article of "Tattooing and Tattoo Marks" to the October Ev'ry Month. The sketch is accompanied by photographs of the latest implements used in the art and some remarkable designs.

I have lots more stories about tattoos as identification, but I thought this next one was quite interesting, both the first part about prisoners avoiding tattoos, but more because of the part about the guy who went to prison in order to tattoo people. This is from the Wisconsin State Journal, November 29, 1899 (a reprint from The Milwaukee Sentinal).

Tattooing Out of Favor
The Bertillon System of Identification the Cause of it — Becoming Unpopular

…Since the introduction of the Bertillon system there has been a waning of the tattoo fad. There was a time when a tattoo mark was regarded as indispensable by men who made law-breaking their business. They considered it a sort of charm, and believed that to a certain extent the indelible figures that adorned their breasts or arms made them immune to arrest. But that day has gone by. The clever modern crook knows that the tattoo is a hoodoo. Under the Bertillon system of registration of the marks upon a man’s body it is a certain clew to the identification of prisoners.

“There is one peculiar thing about tattoo marks,” said a member of the state board of control recently. “Some time ago, when the board was hearing prisoners at Waupun, I took occasion to ask every man who came before as if he had any tattoo marks upon his body. Most of the men had, but I took notice that the real clever criminals had fewer marks than the buungling fellows. I learned that most of the prisoners had been tattooed by the same man. It seems that the fellow made a practice of securing short jail sentences in various places, and while in jail tattooed his fellow-prisoners, accepting whatever amount of money they were able to pay. You’ll never see a flag design tattoo on a real touch man. For some reason the fellow who is vicious doesn’t like to have the national emblem pricked into his skin. He much prefers an anchor or serpent.”

Serpent you say?

Veterinary Pathology Tattoo

Kim got this blackwork microscope tattoo as a celebration of passing the Veterinary Anatomic Pathology board’s certification (the “V” of course stands for “Veterinary”). I wonder… would a tattooed veterinarian be more or less likely to tattoo an animal (a common practise by the way)? Tattoo by Dano at Main Street Tattoos in Edgewood, MD.

The miracle of dermablend

Personally I prefer Bronte without the makeup (and thus with her happy facial tattoos), but sometimes you have to go out and do things in disguise to use the invisible but still very real “whites” door instead of the “colored” door. Oh, and as a point of amusement, these are pictures she sent her dad in response to the “how are you going to get a job?” question.

Dermal Anchor Eyes

These dermal anchor mermaid eyes are pretty funny… Because of their temporary nature versus the permanent nature of a tattoo, I’m not sure that I’d choose this combination of piercing/implant with tattooing, but I’ll bet it causes lots of double takes. These were done by Jef Saunders at Rockstar Body Piercing in Providence, RI on iam:VioletLips.