
First, I hope that everyone on the east coast is safe and secure after that shake-up that just hit Richmond.  I know a lot of IAM members live in the area close to the epicenter, including Rachel at BMEHQ.

Now then, as his name implies, Joeltron is a big fan of Tron.  How big you ask?  Well take a look at this Tron Recognizer tattoo on the side of his skull.

Naith from Absolution in New Zealand did this while at a guest spot in Sydney at First Blood.

Space bugs!

I think it was sometime last year when I was talking to someone about getting an entire backpiece of a game of Tetris.  It turns out someone had a similar idea, although instead of Tetris, they used Galaga.  Pieszeckipower got this tattoo for her father.  Her dad used to play Galaga as a teenager, and later on the two bonded over it.  Just note, the black isn’t quite finished yet, there is still one more session to clean it up and finish it off.

Tattoo by Brandy Burgans from Standard Ink Tattoo Company in Chattanooga, TN

Digital Love

_xiphiaz loves technology.  So much so that his very first tattoo ended up being one of the most impressive nerdy tattoos I’ve ever seen.

Corey Weir from Monk3ys in Auckland, NZ is the artist behind this technological construct.  Please note, I purposefully avoided a Superman 3 reference, as it would have taken away from the sheer awesomeness of this sleeve.

Robots in Disguise

“Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Deceptions”

I really want to get excited about a new Transformers movie, yet I know that it’ll just be a series of “BAYSPLOSIONS” with Shia shouting “nonononono” for 2 hours.  Thankfully artists like Keegan Lam are out there to remind us of the vastly superior animated series that kicked off a generation of children who at some point believed that cars could transform into giant robots.