How appropriate! (“Vida” means “life”). Joao sends in this picture of his tattooed hand (by Anderson at Outlaws Tattoo in Petropolis, RJ, Brasil) with his eight month pregnant sister.

Anyway, there should be a nice big BME update (starting work on that shortly with Phil) that’ll get posted tomorrow, but ModBlog is done until Moday or Tuesday… See you then! Hope it stays online — it’s getting linked like crazy because of the wristwatch piercing.

13 1/2… inches?

I have no idea what Adrenalynn‘s “13 1/2″ hand tattoo means, but because it was done by her husband Mr. Genital Tattoo Jarrod Richardson at Psycho Clown Tattoo in Fort Worth Texas I am blindly guessing that the explanation has little to do with The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear would make me blush (well, if I blushed). But it’s a blind guess and I may be wrong.