“2012 Classic Logo T-Shirt” Fundraiser

Hey Modbloggers, a member of the BME Family is ill and needs our help.

Ari Larratt is living with her mom, Rachel, in the US and has come down with some kind of illness that is making it hard for her body to digest food. As it stands right now, she’s going through a lot of tests to find out what is wrong, and the medical bills are already starting to pile up. Now because Ari is living in the US, everything is coming out of pocket from both Rachel and Shannon. The bills are already approaching $7000 and they still have yet to get a diagnosis.

So, to help raise funds for Ari, Shannon has designed a brand-new BME logo shirt. It’s going to be sold in the BMEShop for a limited time, with all proceeds going to Ari’s medical bills. The design itself is basically an updated take of Scott Fox’s original BME logo, mixed with the Calm logo, and incorporates modifications that weren’t around when the designs were originally created.

You can order the shirt right here. We’ve set the price of the shirt at $20, with the option to donate more if you wish. We’ll also be sending along a bunch of BME stickers in addition to your shirt, depending on how much you are able to give. But even if you aren’t able to give any extra, just getting one shirt will go to help a sick little girl get better.

Also, if anyone has any information on health insurance plans for children only, please get in contact with Rachel via the BMEShop e-mail address ([email protected]). Her insurance won’t cover Ari, so she’s looking for a plan that is just for children.

“2012 Classic Logo T-Shirt” Fundraiser for Ari Larratt

Hey Modbloggers, a member of the BME Family is ill and needs our help.

Ari Larratt is living with her mom, Rachel, in the US and has come down with some kind of illness that is making it hard for her body to digest food.  As it stands right now, she’s going through a lot of tests to find out what is wrong, and the medical bills are already starting to pile up.  Now because Ari is living in the US, everything is coming out of pocket from both Rachel and Shannon.  The bills are already approaching $7000 and they still have yet to get a diagnosis.

So, to help raise funds for Ari, Shannon has designed a brand-new BME logo shirt.  It’s going to be sold in the BMEShop for a limited time, with all proceeds going to Ari’s medical bills.  The design itself is basically an updated take of Scott Fox’s original BME logo, mixed with the Calm logo, and incorporates modifications that weren’t around when the designs were originally created.

You can order the shirt right here.  We’ve set the price of the shirt at $20, with the option to donate more if you wish.  We’ll also be sending along a bunch of BME stickers in addition to your shirt, depending on how much you are able to give.  But even if you aren’t able to give any extra, just getting one shirt will go to help a sick little girl get better.

Also, if anyone has any information on health insurance plans for children only, please get in contact with Rachel via the BMEShop e-mail address ([email protected]).  Her insurance won’t cover Ari, so she’s looking for a plan that is just for children.

No Pain for Zain

It seems like every week lately something terrible is happening.  Sean Ozz’s son Zain recently broke his forearm in two places.  Tonight Sean has put together a charity concert, so if you happen to be in the Houston area and want to check out a concert/auction to help out the little guy, you can check out all the event information on facebook, or yelp.

Come out and enjoy live music and partake in a silent auction to help raise money to help with a small part of Zain’s medical bills he endured when recently had a mid-shaft both bone forearm fracture otherwise known as fracture of the radius and ulna (the 2 bones in the forearm).

Zain needed an open reduction and fixation with flexible intramedullary nails. He pulled through like a champ through all this but acquired some hefty bills in the process.

Bands are…

5pm The Hates ( http://www.reverbnation.com/thehates )
10pm The Abyss ( http://www.reverbnation.com/theabyss )
9pm Harem festival ( http://www.reverbnation.com/haremfestival )
6pm Sheila Swift ( http://www.reverbnation.com/sheilaswift )
7pm Provision ( http://www.reverbnation.com/provisionmusik )
8pm Black Kennedy ( http://www.reverbnation.com/blackkennedy )
11pm The Zeros ( http://www.reverbnation.com/thezeroslive )

These bands have come together to offer live music for your entertainment. There is no cover but a suggested donation at the door of $5.00. Inside there will be a silent art auction as well as other great items. below is a small list of some of these items and artist. doors open at 4pm.

Tattoo gift certificates (ranging from $50-$150 value)
canvas art from award winning artist ($100-$500+ value)
Wooden cut out art
certificates for custom portraits from artist
certificate for custom painted shoes.
Gift card to FreeBirds World burrito ($25 value)
SATYR – String Through, 6-string guitar (Halo)
Condo in Galveston
Professional Massage certificate
AMC Movie package (tickets, popcorn and sodas included)
Silver skull ring from SilverLust ($125. value)
Collectible albums including
•Metallica picture disk
•Johnny Cash
•The Cars
•grease soundtrack
and much more to be added…

There will also be burgers and dogs being served for donation and cupcakes made by http://www.kakesbyklassic.blogspot.com/

There will not only certificates from award winning tattoo artist up for Auction but Houston’s own Aaron Dale will be set up in an area doing tattoos on the spot for those with the itch to get some new ink. http://www.aarondaletattoos.com/

as things get closer and more bands are confirmed as well as donation items we will update and send out an email to everyone.

club info @

For those wanting to help but who are to far to come out to the event a paypal page has been set up.

Award winning artist and singer of the band The Abyss (Sean Oliver) is asking for all his friends and associates to pull together on this one! If you only make it out once in March then this is the event to help support. If you have an item or some of your own art you can donate for the cause please email [email protected].

Thank you!

A BME family needs our help

A couple of days ago, tragedy befell two long time members of our community.  A fire broke out at the home of Breeze and Ubuntu, two long time BME members and supporters, and completely destroyed their home.  The family was able to make it out with the clothes on their back but everything else was lost.  In addition to losing their home, they also lost all but one of their pets (2 dogs, 5 cats, a rat, and a ferret).

Breeze and Derek have helped a good number of BME members over the years, and today they need your help.  There are a number of ways that you can help out.  For starters, there is a facebook group that is being updated regularly by both friends and family.  As I mentioned before, they were only able to get out with the clothes on their back, so donations of any necessities are more than welcome.

For those thinking of donating clothes, here are the family’s sizes:

1-2 xs

Shoes 10
Pants 32 or 34 w 32 L

38 w 32 L xl shirt
Shoes 11

Shoes 7-8
Girls 14

Shoes 6
Boys 12

Breeze adds: “NEEDS: If anyone has any sort of extra luggage- suitcases, duffel bags etc… even if they are old as long as they are in usable condition, it would help to move the clothes and items we have received. Boxes would also help. It also occurred to me that we need to start cleaning up in the next week or so and to do that we’ll need shovels, rakes, garbage bags, work gloves…things like that. Thank you so much♥”

For those who are able to give financially, donations can be made via paypal to [email protected]  Any donations there will go directly into the Dunham’s family chequing  account.  If you would prefer to send a check, they are currently staying here:

Breeze and Derek Dunham
3921 Lawndale Pl
Greensboro, NC 27455

That is also the address to send any physical donations.

At this point the family doesn’t have a lot, so any donation of anything, or amount, will be a big help.

I’ll try to keep this post updated with any specific needs the family may have.

Crisis in Australia

For those who haven’t seen the news today, Australia has been hit by another natural disaster in the form of Cyclone Yasi.  Early reports had the storm tracking as a class 5, but it has now been downgraded to a “very destructive” class 3.  For comparison, this storm is larger and more powerful than Hurricane Katrina.

There are a number of members of our community living in the affected areas and we’re all worried about them.  If you’re one of the affected, please let us know you’re ok.  For those not affected directly, the Australian Red Cross is working to provide assistance to the communities, as well as providing the National Registration and Inquiry System, which allows people who have gotten to safety to check in and let others know they’re safe.

He’s Home

Earlier this week we got news that Arwen “Spliff” Rosa, one of the four members of the community that was injured in a car wreck back in July was in need of help.  Well with the help of ModBlog readers Arwen is on his way back home from Texas today.

A big thank you to everyone who was able to donate to bringing him home to his family.  As jaded as we can be sometimes, it is good to see that when someone is in need, the community can come together to help them out.

A helping hand

If you recall, back in July some members of our community were involved in a car accident.  Now while most of them have recovered, Arwen “Spliff” Rosa is still in the ICU.

While he has made progress, he’s not out of the woods yet and is still in need of constant care.  Spliff and his wife Jill are from NYC and have been in Texas since the accident.  While the support has been incredible, Jill is 7 months pregnant with their child and when the baby is born it will become incredibly difficult to care for both Spliff and the baby.  Back in NYC the two have a large support network of family and friends, and are now looking to get Arwen transferred to a facility in NYC.

They have been accepted into an excellent facility and are now on the wait list.  When the call comes, they will have 4 days to move Arwen from Texas to NYC or they will lose their spot.  Due to his condition, Spliff will require a medical air transport, which isn’t cheap.

From Jill:  “The goal we need to work with right now is getting him/us back home to New York. Arwen has been accepted to a facility there. We are waiting for a bed to open up for him. Once we get that call we’ve got about 4 days to make it there before they pass it on to who’s next on the list. We were going to use long distance ground transport, but due to his health and the weather headed back east it seems to be a dangerous idea. We need to fly him home.”

Arwen is not getting the care he needs out here and there’s only a couple people who can physically help us. In New York we’ve got family, support system, lots of resources, everything we need. Not to mention our Baby girl is due in about 8 weeks! I have been trying to look into medical foundations and charities so far with no luck. Please help if you can.

Suspension.org has set up a donation page and are looking for help.  If you have anything that you can give, head on over to the donation page and give what you can.

Another way to help out

As I posted earlier four members of our community were in a bad car wreck. Well if there is one thing our community is particularly good at it is helping other members of our community in their times of need. Some friends of ours in CORE have put together a benefit for  them  at the Next Door Bar that will take place  Saturday August 7th.


If you cannot make it out, please help spread the word.  Also if you would like to donate directly.  Please visit the main page of suspension.org and follow the paypal link.

Thank you in advance and we hope to see yall there.

Four members of our community were in a bad car wreck

I did something, I don’t normally do for this, I totally ripped an article off of another site. I hope our friends in Nassau Chainsaw are cool with that, but I imagine they would be seeing as this is about helping out mutual friends.  Allen, also posted some info up on Suspension.org, if you want to check that out as well.

UPDATE: It was pointed out to me that not everyone involved in this wreck was involved with Nassau Chainsaw, or didn’t know Allen, so I have one more link with updates where all of them were part of the family, Discraceland Family.



On their way from Texas to California, Spliff, Jill, Robby and Brandon were involved in a very serious car accident. Spliff is currently unconscious in Critical Condition and has been airlifted to a hospital.  Robby has also been airlifted to the same hospital, with a punctured or collapsed lung and liver. Jill, Robby and Brandon are all coherent and awake.

From Neil of CORE, “I just watched 4 of my best friends roll their car over at 85 mph in front of me. If you are in CoRE, please call Matt or Steve, if you are in AGRO, call Angela, if you are in DHS call Razor Tongue or Orbie. I will be updating them periodically. Please do not call Spliff, Jill, Ribble, or Brandon as they do not have their phones. Send all your prayers and love their way.”

Update from Jill at 2:45AM

“Myself our Baby and Branden are ok. Badly cut bruised and sprained, but ok. I’m currently headed to Odessa where Arwen and Robby are in critical condition. I’ll let u know as soon as I do…. Keep positive thoughts for us please.” -Jill

Update from Neil at 4:31AM

Ribble is in surgery spliff had a head concusion, brain and skull appear to be fine for now.  Broken vertebrae in his neck.  He is heavily sedated and on a breathing machine in the ICU at Medical Center Hospital in Odessa, TX.

Update from Jill at 4:57AM

“I am currently in ICU with Arwen. He’s heavily sedated, breathing steadily with help from a machine. Concusion in his head which is currently not effecting his skull or brain. Also a broken vertibre in his neck. He is being closely monitored and things could change. Ribble is still in surgery….. Keep the positive energy coming”

Update from Neil at 5:00AM

“Brandon is asleep at the hotel in Ft Stockton, and Sara and NoMan are watching over him. Other than that, if you do not hear something directly from myself or Jill, just remember, it’s all hearsay, and please remain calm.”

Update from Neil at 5:54AM

This is what the doctor told Neil

“Robbie-Has a Ruptured Spleen + it was removed, he has a bruised mesentery, he has tubes in his chest to drain his lungs, severe head trauma + spinal chord damage, he has had a litter of blood pumped out of his abdomen and recycled back into his blood stream. his liver was lacerated in 3 places, they were able to cauterize and suture it back together. He is on a breathing machine and will be for a week.

“Spliff-Has broken ribs and severe contusions around his lungs, broken vertebrae, severe head trauma, and is also on a breathing machine and will be for a week.”

We will know a lot more in 48hours when and if they come out of it.

Lets continue with the positive thoughts + be there for our family. Thanks to all who have made donations so far. Lets keep them coming.

We will post more information here as it becomes available. Please watch this space for updates.

All our hearts and minds are with them.

Please Make A Donation to help out our brothers and sisters.

If you have a spare moment after sharing a little change to help out four members of our modified community (as well as modblog regulars), check out Nassau Chainsaw a band who includes sideshow and suspension acts in their regular performances.

Modified Footage and Cast Request

Rebecca needs you!

“I’m currently casting for a short abstract experimental film on the body and body modification for my masters project, I’m a piercer and I’ll also be filming stuff with Samppa Von Cyborg on the side.

What I’m after is heavily modified people based in the United Kingdom to feature in the film, it’s not a documentary, it’s going to be really arty and cool (a script is currently being written up).

I have no budget but I can travel within the UK for the right footage. It’s all being filmed in HD and burned with blu-ray so it’s gonna be good! All contributors will receive credits and a copy of the film, once it’s complete I’m looking to submit the final product to film festivals et cetera.. Exciting!

To cut to the chase, I’m looking for VERY modified people who would be willing to be in this film for free/and also looking for any footage of your modifications you might like to donate.

I can be reached at the following email address – [email protected]

So get rummaging through your hard drives, check your schedules and help the girl out!