Firesuspension? Suicidefire?

This “definitely don’t try this at home” suspension was planned and executed by PSFitz (originator of the idea and victim — he has a forum on his IAM page on the subject as well), Jared of Onetribe Organics, and Cameron from Enigma Studios in Richmond, VA, and a stunt guy named Jake.

They write, “The event involved a two point suspension during which Paul was set on fire. A stunt specialist was an integral part of the planning and execution of this event and every precaution was taken to ensure that everyone involved remained safe. This included spraying the entire structure with fire suppressant chemicals, everyone involved having protection from the fire, Paul wearing a great deal of protection both chemically and physically (the underlayers were frozen), and several individuals with water and Hollywood-grade fire suppressant extinguishers. The burn itself lasted approximately twenty to twenty-five seconds, after which Paul said he was starting to warm up and we proceeded to ‘put him out’ in a rockstar explosion of CO2 and water.”

New world record from Russia?

In Russian martial arts, the fighting styles are designed to end the confrontation incredibly quickly and efficiently (and lethally). So it comes as no surprise to me that Timokhin Artyom and crew added a speed element and did 1,500 needles in one person in one hour. I’ve been thinking of machines I could build that could piercing 1,500 needles in a few minutes. Anyone feeling brave?

Blood and Needles

I feel like I’ve been neglecting the “BMEgirls” department a little lately with all the tattoos I’ve been posting. Don’t worry, I haven’t gone over to the darkside mainstream.

Let me share with you two quick pictures. On the left is a photo that’s either a killer turn on or turn off for you depending on your kinks — thanks to Nyne for this DIY tongue splitting photo from Vancouver. And thanks to Britt Laird in Houston, TX for the 29 needle photo of Sarah on the right.

Resurrection Suspension

I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion that I think resurrection suspensions are one of the prettiest forms by far, and how happy I am that Steve Truitt and the record holding and celebrity studded Ascension Suspension Team out of Albuquerque, NM are regular contributors (and not just because of the gratuitous involvement of pretty girls in their shows, honest).

I really love the pink girlie star-punched suspension rig above, as well as the spiderweb in the pictures below (and I’ve previously commented on their pentagram rig as well).

Oh yeah, and here’s what happens to bad girls who suspend.