More constellation tattoos

Recently I posted an Orion constellation tattoo that I liked conceptually, so I thought it might be nice to post a few other constellations — for whatever reason Orion is the most common… I suppose along with the Big Dipper, it’s probably the easiest to identify when you’re a kid so it becomes a part of people’s childhood memory. Assuming it’s not something worse.

Anyway, let’s start off with Gemini:

How about Scorpius rising? This one is by Nina Collier at Ancient Arts in Renton, WA.

Finally, this isn’t really a constellation, but I like this star tattoo by French artist NOON at Boucherie Traditionnelle out of Troyes and Paris… There are a number of French artists working in similarly art-influenced styles (see also Lionel of Out of Step, on BME, and Yann, profiled on Needled.

If you like that, you can see more of his work on his website and on BME.

Another Episode of “The Case Of the Tattoo Ripoff”

The original (left) was done by Brett Osborne of PURE Body Modifications, LLC. The rip-off, as shown in a tattoo magazine in the PURE lobby, was done by Erik Diaz at Asylum Studios in the Bronx.

MODBLOG has done stories about stolen artwork before, and almost always, the same question keeps coming up: If you’re going to steal someone’s design, aren’t you ashamed to post a version that’s not even close to as good as the original?

Other Modblog articles about stolen tattoos:

Finger tattoos and more

I’ve previously mentioned silly finger tattoos of mustaches, tears, and even vampire teeth, but I thought I should be fair and mention (I think) some of the first people I met with finger mustaches. Here’s IAM:027 and IAM:Hooch:

Speaking of tattoos, I’ve always wondered if getting things like “Trust No Bitch” tattooed on you affect one’s dating options. I would think that it would act as some kind of a bad-boyfriend-alarm, but who knows, maybe it would attract people instead?

The strangest things are aphrodisiacs.

UV Facial Tattoo

Check out Cybermike’s UV facial circuitry, which in theory only shows up when he’s under a blacklight. I say “in theory” as a warning to those considering a stealth tattoo on public skin — depending on the way you scar (tattoos do leave slight scars) the tattoo may be visible (and any contamination of the ink, even from the stencil, could make the tattoo daylight visible as well). Still, very cool:

Vampire Teeth Finger Tattoo

I’ve blogged here in the past about finger mustaches and finger tears, but here’s a new one. Erin Z sent this to me after seeing it as part of mySpace profile, so I’m afraid I don’t have a proper credit for it as I’m not a member:

Update from Dan: “The girl in the picture is Anna Perry. The tattoo was done by Brian Holton at Bleeding Heart Tattoo in Lees Summit, Missouri.”

BME Travel Files

One of the coolest things about running BME is getting to meet people from all over the world… and one of the amazing things has been seeing how even though we come from different cultures and histories and speak different languages, we respond to body modification, body art, and body rituals in the same way, and it becomes a really obvious example of humans being the same all over the world.

Today let’s start with a photo via the West Coast of Canada where I’m originally from:

Next we’ll shoot over to Star Studio in Bali. These photos are of MrJaxon, Albar, the boss, the tattooist, and a mystery person… There’s more on his page if you’re interested.

Staying in Asai, we’ll move up to Qingdao, China. I’d be surprised if this is entirely legal there?

How about something closer to home like the shores of France?

Or maybe you prefer Brasil?

Speaking of travel, apparently Pingy travels by RyanAir, and has previously been to Pottstown, PA.

Becky on the other hand isn’t going anywhere:

Poor quality work

As a general rule of thumb I tend to distrust the quality and safety of door-to-door piercers that service the “piercing party” market — which range from the friend that pierces other friends to the stranger that makes their income from this. That said, I’m sure there must be some solid ones… However, this isn’t one of them. If a piercer works shirtless, start to wonder, but when he works without gloves, leave.

Speaking of commentary that will alienate the people who contributed the photos (I apologize for that), I find getting tattoos like the one on the right a little disturbing, even more so when they’re not just old tattoos, but current work by artists with a regular clientéle… For starters, it always surprises me when I see the general public get tattoos like this — there is so much good tattoo media out there these days that there’s no excuse for them not to be able to find a solid artist. In all seriousness, what is wrong with their vision that they can’t indentify aesthetic quality? I mean, everyone can identify a beautiful girl… why can’t they do the same for a tattoo?

But what surprises me more is the artists. If they’ve ever picked up a tattoo magazine, ever been to a convention or visited the other studios in their area, surely they know their work is atrocious? Surely they know they’re scarring people for life… Is there not a moral obligation on some level to find a different job? Or do both they and the client simply not care what it looks like? Is simply getting a tattoo the goal, rather than going to the effort to make sure it’s a specific dream piece?

Anyway, lest we get too hung up on bad tattoos, here’s one from Hawaii that I really like: