Hey there, ModBloggers! Today’s “Guess What?” is deceptively tricky. Sure, you look at it and figure, “Oh, it’s a photo of the lovely Jenni, what more is there figure out?” Well…there is a lot more. A whole lot. The first person to guess correctly what’s hiding beyond the borders of the above photo wins their VERY OWN DINOSAUR. Get to work!
First thoughts….Hmm…This is a new direction for “Guess What”….., and then the penis popped out and it all made sense again.
First thoughts….Hmm…This is a new direction for “Guess What”….., and then the penis popped out and it all made sense again.
Is that penis going through her ear?
Is that penis going through her ear?
No, that penis is actually going through her magical fourth hole.
No, that penis is actually going through her magical fourth hole.
LMAO nice!! you got me this time!!
LMAO nice!! you got me this time!!
I guessed that she was looking at a penis :/
I guessed that she was looking at a penis :/
Yes, Flood, that was my idea, too… *smile*
Yes, Flood, that was my idea, too… *smile*
thats not a kilt that guys wearing its a skirt, but he dicked a girl in the ear so over all he is win!
thats not a kilt that guys wearing its a skirt, but he dicked a girl in the ear so over all he is win!
That confused the shit out of me for a good 30 seconds at least. I actually thought she just had a dick-earring…and awkward shoulders…
I fucking love that though. I wish someone would stick a penis through MY ear. 🙁
That confused the shit out of me for a good 30 seconds at least. I actually thought she just had a dick-earring…and awkward shoulders…
I fucking love that though. I wish someone would stick a penis through MY ear. 🙁
I really feel that way too 8. Lmao I want a cool picture like that. :[
I really feel that way too 8. Lmao I want a cool picture like that. :[
Rule #1:
It is always, always a cock.
No exceptions.
Rule #1:
It is always, always a cock.
No exceptions.
Finally I get to see someone do this. It was an on-going joke after some drunk guy told me he could do it and never put out. Now I feel vindication for all. Or something.
Finally I get to see someone do this. It was an on-going joke after some drunk guy told me he could do it and never put out. Now I feel vindication for all. Or something.
10 – Yes, its basically always a dick, but what type of adornment does Mr. Winky have? That’s the real question.
10 – Yes, its basically always a dick, but what type of adornment does Mr. Winky have? That’s the real question.
— his dick’s gonna smell like ear cheese now 😛
— his dick’s gonna smell like ear cheese now 😛
Brittney, stretched ears shouldn’t smell… that’s why you clean them..
Brittney, stretched ears shouldn’t smell… that’s why you clean them..
I knew better than to think it couldn’t be a penis.
I knew better than to think it couldn’t be a penis.
classy? hahahah
classy? hahahah
The other person is rosslewisbrown, I think he used to have IAM. Two of my best friends playing stickthedick in my bedroom, I’m so proud <3
The other person is rosslewisbrown, I think he used to have IAM. Two of my best friends playing stickthedick in my bedroom, I’m so proud <3
Just when I thought I’d seen everything, Mr Ginsberg blows my brain again. I love you Jordan Ginsberg with all the remaining fragments of my brain. Seriously though, clever that the kilt tartan matches Jenni’s hair-band, and that her lip-colour matches the red of the tartan. But a dick through Jenni’s ear is truly fucking magical! Note to Jordan: give me a day or two to recover, then please shock me again!!!
Just when I thought I’d seen everything, Mr Ginsberg blows my brain again. I love you Jordan Ginsberg with all the remaining fragments of my brain. Seriously though, clever that the kilt tartan matches Jenni’s hair-band, and that her lip-colour matches the red of the tartan. But a dick through Jenni’s ear is truly fucking magical! Note to Jordan: give me a day or two to recover, then please shock me again!!!
Ohhhh, it’s me! Hahahahaha!
And no, it wasn’t a kilt, he was in fancy dress 😀 The guy is iam:rosslewisbrown
Classy? Haha, I wouldn’t ever really want to be anyway 😉
Ohhhh, it’s me! Hahahahaha!
And no, it wasn’t a kilt, he was in fancy dress 😀 The guy is iam:rosslewisbrown
Classy? Haha, I wouldn’t ever really want to be anyway 😉
i love the look on her face!
i love the look on her face!
My hubby keeps asking me to stretch my ears big enough so he can put his cock through through it, just like this. … Sadly, I don’t think I can stretch much further than what they’re already at.
My hubby keeps asking me to stretch my ears big enough so he can put his cock through through it, just like this. … Sadly, I don’t think I can stretch much further than what they’re already at.
I’ve thought about this for ages and never got around to asking people if it had been done.
Now, next question (i’m sure at least one other person thought this): is sex possible? With no jewelry and lube of course…
I’ve thought about this for ages and never got around to asking people if it had been done.
Now, next question (i’m sure at least one other person thought this): is sex possible? With no jewelry and lube of course…
My goal in life is to have a penis through my ear.
My goal in life is to have a penis through my ear.
Honestly the only reason why I started strecthing my ears :p
She is a ledge, I love her such a pretty girl
Honestly the only reason why I started strecthing my ears :p
She is a ledge, I love her such a pretty girl
Weeeeeee! It’s me and my dick!
I’m afraid I’m wearing a skirt, not a kilt. I was a full on tranny that night!
Weeeeeee! It’s me and my dick!
I’m afraid I’m wearing a skirt, not a kilt. I was a full on tranny that night!
Boys’ll just stick it whereever they can :P.
Boys’ll just stick it whereever they can :P.
For the love of whatever, can we just have more than 1 out of 1,000 click through’s that isn’t a penis? The joke is getting old. Way old.
Sure, I like surprising click throughs as much as anyone else and sometimes the ones with a penis are funny or interesting, but most of the time it’s just “How can we crop a shot that has a random penis in it so that they can’t tell it’s a penis but they know it’s a penis anyway because it’s always a penis but we’re in denial that they always think it’s a penis so let’s get that picture and stick a penis in it somehow! Brilliant! High Five!!!!”
There are SO MANY OTHER BODY PARTS, UNUNSUAL or EXTREME MODS and at least one other oficially, plus several other vialble GENDERS as well. So come on, joke’s over, get some new material…
***HONK*** if you agree.
For the love of whatever, can we just have more than 1 out of 1,000 click through’s that isn’t a penis? The joke is getting old. Way old.
Sure, I like surprising click throughs as much as anyone else and sometimes the ones with a penis are funny or interesting, but most of the time it’s just “How can we crop a shot that has a random penis in it so that they can’t tell it’s a penis but they know it’s a penis anyway because it’s always a penis but we’re in denial that they always think it’s a penis so let’s get that picture and stick a penis in it somehow! Brilliant! High Five!!!!”
There are SO MANY OTHER BODY PARTS, UNUNSUAL or EXTREME MODS and at least one other oficially, plus several other vialble GENDERS as well. So come on, joke’s over, get some new material…
***HONK*** if you agree.
If you feel such a need to complain, take some pictures that you think would make more ‘interesting’ click throughs and submit them yourself. Then if the same ‘old’ clickthroughs keep coming up, you’ll have grounds to whine about them. 😀
Infact, looking through the ‘Guess What’ category.. most of them seem to be female anyway 😛
If you feel such a need to complain, take some pictures that you think would make more ‘interesting’ click throughs and submit them yourself. Then if the same ‘old’ clickthroughs keep coming up, you’ll have grounds to whine about them. 😀
Infact, looking through the ‘Guess What’ category.. most of them seem to be female anyway 😛
i dont know what’s better the old ‘dick through the tunnel’ or the kilt
i dont know what’s better the old ‘dick through the tunnel’ or the kilt
Haha, as if it’s you Ross!
Haha, as if it’s you Ross!
i don’t know how many guys have come up to
me and said, think those holes are big enough
for me to stick my dick through?
and now i’ve finally seen it done.
i don’t know how many guys have come up to
me and said, think those holes are big enough
for me to stick my dick through?
and now i’ve finally seen it done.
why is it always a dick?
why is it always a dick?
Haha, I definitely guessed there’d be penis involved, but I thought she’d be looking at it…
Haha, I definitely guessed there’d be penis involved, but I thought she’d be looking at it…
My goal in life has always been to put my penetrate a womans earlobe =/
Seeing the girls here willing to have it done make me kinda disappointed in the ones I’ve met that haven’t had a combination of (1) lobes large enough, and (2) willing.
My goal in life has always been to put my penetrate a womans earlobe =/
Seeing the girls here willing to have it done make me kinda disappointed in the ones I’ve met that haven’t had a combination of (1) lobes large enough, and (2) willing.
Wow! What a site you have here. You have a real knack for making a tranny blog pleasing to the eyes and feeds fantasies very well. Some sites look like train wrecks, but not yours – it
Wow! What a site you have here. You have a real knack for making a tranny blog pleasing to the eyes and feeds fantasies very well. Some sites look like train wrecks, but not yours – it
I can’t even count how many times I’ve been asked “Can you put a dick thru that hole?” (My 3/4 eyelet)…almost as often as I hear, “did that hurt?”
I can’t even count how many times I’ve been asked “Can you put a dick thru that hole?” (My 3/4 eyelet)…almost as often as I hear, “did that hurt?”