So, we’ve featured Jusn (more) and Lilli (cupcake!) on here separately as of late, but, hey, it is a crime and an abomination to not show these kids off together. Sure, it’s not the same without someone’s dad being hoodwinked or some evil chocolate monster, but this is one handsome pair nonetheless. If you only let one photo on the internets melt your heart today, let it be this one.
See more in “Couples who met through BME“ (Culture)
i really like his large snakebites , makes me want my triple stretched labrets even more !!
Aww you guys are too cute. Miss you!
Lilli and I just happened to be sitting next to one another when I opened this page.
We’re both stoked. I love her. And we miss you too, Blyan!
soooo cute!
Haha, you guys look cute. Modblog needs more couples
Awww this made me smile
they’re so adorable!!
This picture is from almost a year ago! And oldie, but a goodie.. Now that’s what love looks like. Thanks to his brother for taking this cutsie little photo! <3
jusn is so nice! hahah does he have a black eye?? :[
HTC employees are pretentious as fuck when it comes to body modification. There. I said it.