F You! This will heal!

No, that wasn’t an actual quote from BlackVirus about his self done transfinger piercing, but it is certainly what this picture said to me.


This piercing was a fairly crude DIY piercing (pictures of the procedure on his IAM page) and the jewelry is definitely  longer than needed, plus there is a random o-ring on it which I can’t figure out,  yet here it is looking ok at 4 months old.

No piercings on the hand are a particularly good idea because of the use and abuse that a hand gets on a daily basis. However, transfinger piercings have a fairly remarkable chance of healing if the subject leads a fairly gentle life. Obviously, for the best chance of getting any piercing to heal, you should seek out an experienced piercer who uses proper jewelry and has an understanding of why something may or may not work out. Nonetheless, once in a while some “crazy kid” does a DIY piercing that shouldn’t last more than a week and yet for some reason it does.

Just an outline, but still impressive.

I am not big on posting  tattoos in progress, but this tattoo is just too bad ass not to post. Also, I am hoping if the wearer or the artist, Jesse Estrada, sees this posted, maybe they will submit some more pictures when it is finished.


You know what else is cool? That ear lobe tattoo. I am sure this guy wasn’t the first person to tattoo a stretched lobe like that, but he is the first I have seen and I love the way it looks!

And to close out “ear mod day”…

I have a beautiful example of pulling a facial tattoo onto the ear and integrating it beautifully. Honestly, I do not find most heavy facial tattoos to be aesthetically pleasing. Don’t get me wrong, I have much respect for anyone taking on such a project, it’s just not something that usually appeals to me visually.

But Andrew here, sporting his latest facial tattooing being done by Andreas ‘Curly’ Moore, is certainly an exception. The tattoo just becomes a part of him and looks so natural on his face, I was immediately drawn to this picture when scrolling through the galleries.


Don’t worry guys I won’t have my son with me tomorrow and I can try and dig up some entries with a  little more variety to hold you over until the BME Girls Calendar entry.

A different take on ear pointing

Well it’s pointed, but not in the same way we typically see ears  pointed. I am not sure quite what the client was going for with this, whether it is indeed a different take on ear pointing, or maybe a faux battle scar,  but whatever the goal was the end result is quite striking.


This cartilage removal was donre by Martin Page of Amazing Colors Tattoo in Berlin.

For a healed picture, keep on keeping on.


It’s ear mod day!

Well, it is as far as my modblog post for the day. Why make Thursday January 28th ear mod day? Simple, because I have my son with me at work and he’s being a little too needy for me to go searching for pics and it just so happens, I have some cool ear stuff in a folder ready to go.

To start off ear mod day I have a cool bent bar industrial by Vern K. who works at Steve’s shop Ascension Body Modifications in New Mexico.


We usually showcase the best in body piercing….

….but once in a while we need to show the worst in body piercing as well.  This navel project is definitely amongst the worst piercings I have ever had the displeasure of gazing upon.


I am not going to out the shop credited for doing this, but I will give you a wee little hint, the name of the shop implies they probably sell  ”for tobacco use only” products as well.

If you can’t figure out why these piercings are so bad I suggest you jump off of  modblog, and go to askbme or the bme encyclopedia to start learning.

This doesn’t belong on Modbog!

But it’s cold here and it’s supposed to snow this weekend, so it seemed appropriate.


For a few shots that justify this as a modblog post and the story behind it…oh you know what’s coming……..are you ready? Here it is…..keep on keeping on.



The pictures were taken by Rolf and the snowman was lifted by Mark’s nipple. Mark provided me with the following story surrounding this unusual “suspension”.

I am part of Constant Elevation, a suspension team here in London. During an event, at the end of the second day, there was no time for other suspensions, I would have want to suspend…but there was no time. The Snowman was around during the days, we found it in as a perk of the venue we were renting. The Snowman is actually polystyrene, but despite that is bloody heavy. I already hung different stuff from my nipples…Have a look at the new posts in my mod tracker (I have other pics of weird stuff hanging from my nipple). I just tied the snowman with and easy double knot and then rig it to a block and tackle (triple). I then use a piece of rope we use for suspension and connect it to my plastic nipple piercing.
The plastic nipple piercing is good because it has a fast release and in case everything it is too heavy it will break before tearing your nipple apart. Once I linked everything…everything was done. It was too heavy I have to say, the block and tackle helps.

Biomech is the new black

When I first started hearing the word “biomechanical” in reference to tattooing it almost always referred to H.R. Giger’s art, or work done in a similar fashion. As the years passed biomech started to become more organic and colorful thanks to the influence of tattooist like Guy Aitchison.

As much as I like the colorful stuff, I definitely have a sweet spot for the Giger-ish pieces and I was pretty blown away by this back piece by Adam Collins from Lal Hardy’s Tattoo in London.
