Ever fancied taking a peek inside your fellow IAM members (although I’m sure a lot of you have done that already, if you catch my drift)..
First up is IAM: Soup. Click through for a larger view..
Ever fancied taking a peek inside your fellow IAM members (although I’m sure a lot of you have done that already, if you catch my drift)..
First up is IAM: Soup. Click through for a larger view..
I’m not sure if it’s hot breathe or smoke that Rise is exhaling here, either way I’m sure the cherries appeciate it!
Good ol’ Bruce, he always knew the right thing to say, sigh..
By Skip Sampson, 1603 Tattoo, Tampa, Florida.
Because they don’t wag their tails for anybody!
Dagon with work (a quote from Tekkonkinkreet I believe) by Josh, The Fall Tattooing, Vancouver.
From IAM Jollyval‘s ever increasing portfolio..
I’d have had nightmares after working on this, beautifully done though!
And we can never have too many hirsute girls in my opinion, even if it is made of metal brown sculpy stuff..
“This is me and my very hot friend, Aisha!”
Apparently I’m not posting enough naked girls? Well, Lil Miss Strange has different ideas!
More photos of her and a friend (all by Rik Scott) are after the break..