Life Changing

My friend Ferg sent me some incredible photos of a ceremony he recently took part in, read more for some amazing photos and his story. More to come soon!

I was the main participant this weekend in a male initiation ceremony at one of the nearby outstations that involved horizontal chest cutting done with a sharp (although could have been sharper and less serrated thank you very much) stone. We all danced the night before, slept, got up at sunrise, were painted, danced all along the beach to the men’s business area where I was laid down and sliced open. I was told (translated from Yolgnu Matha) the things that a man has to do from now on and after a final dance with my immediate Aboriginal family members it was off home for a well deserved hot bath.

The History Channel were there filming for three days, and the five and a half hours of footage they got will have to be condensed into about fifteen minutes for a one hour show they’re doing about traditional ceremonies around the world.

The local people have completely blown me away with their enthusiasm and energy and of course for giving me the opportunity to actually go through a traditional and authentic ritual. The younger generation got the chance to learn a bit more about a ceremony that is not being practised as much as it used to be and I got to develop a whole new level of respect and gratitude for the people I work and live with.

This has been life changing, and I’m completely serious when I say that. I’m humbled beyond words to have been able to do this and my lifetime gratitude goes to the Aboriginal people of NE Arnhem Land for organising this cultural exchange for us both and allowing me to step into their world. Their generosity has been amazing.
