Self-Stabbing Ritual

In relation to the skewer pictures below, here are some current photos that are quite graphic on the subject. This particular photo set is from back in February, and since then the sender has healed without complication and submitted another set of similar pictures of a more recent ritual. Illustration of the depth of the cuts continues after the break.

16th Century Play Piercing

In reference to the previous history post, Matthias wrote me with a pointer to the cover of a 1973 Campo di Marte album (an Italian prog-rock band). The album focuses on the foolishness of war, and with that in mind, the cover is an old Italian engraving (probably from the 1500s — please post here if you know more) of Turkish mercenaries doing play piercing to show their courage.

Click to see a much higher resolution scan of the album cover that shows the illustration in good detail. BTW, Mattias released this album on his label if you’re interested!

Josh’s Blue Eye Project Continues!

Howie (LunaCobra) sent me an update on Josh‘s blue eye tattoo project which is looking great! I’m very jealous! Howie’s done a few more eyeball tattoos as well since he did the three of us (Josh, Pauly, and myself) last summer, and a few other people have experimented with it as well, both with machines and injection. Check it out, and there are two more (less “manipulated”?) photos after the break.

More entries on eye tattooing on ModBlog — 1 2 3 4 5 — as well as on my personal blog. I’ll try and post an update on the problems with mine — I have what seems to be a permanent, albeit probably harmless, bump on my eye — in the next few days.


Who said ribs are bad for the skin‽

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Biel obviously doesn’t think so as he paid Paulo “Sheetos” Vitor quite a lot of sauce for these five forearm implants.

When you see it, you’ll shit bricks?

A la the various “Mindfuck” images that are floating around the Net, here are a few photos from today that sort of fall into that category (emphasis on “sort of”, I admit). Not that I expect anyone to be shocked — it takes a lot more than this to surprise a ModBlog reader!!! Anyway, let me start off with Kiki and friend (La Macchina Da Cucire) in Italy having tea for two…

Assid23 took this photo of a double suspension done at the biggest freak party in the Czech Republic at Abaton Klub from the folks at

Finally, Kirill sent in a photo of his shoulder tattoo of a cuttlefish done by Ofer Peri at Body-Line in Israel.