Mirin Dajo need not be supernatural…

I noticed that recently Mirin Dajo (link to the original ModBlog mention with videa) was on the front page of Digg, and they linked to the absolutely laughable theory put forth by a “doctor/expert” that suggested he had fistulas running right across his body.

You may remember my interview with “the indestructible man” (more, more, more) in which we talked to someone doing very deep and quite large skewer play without apparent long-term harm. I actually just talked to him this morning — he’s still doing heavy play but not this type, but I wanted to show the scars he has from it, which actually somewhat resemble some of the residual scars on Mirin.

The pictures are not particularly dramatic, because the reality is that there are many, many people out there who are perfectly capable of healing repeated serious injuries. That said, as impressive as it was, “FK” didn’t skewer super deep in terms of what he penetrated… Last year I also posted an interview with a friend who’d play pierced a spinal needle through his ribcage so that it was resting on his heart and twitching to the beat, and I’ve posted other deep skewer folks before here as well.

Now, in no way am suggesting it’s “safe”, but I certainly know many people who are capable of surviving deep skewers, including through the inner body cavity and “organ territory”, with minimal adverse effects or downtime. My personal assessment of Mirin Dajo is that there was no trick in what he did either on a sideshow or a supernatural level, and that he was operating in the same general realm.


Press release:

The Great Orbax (IAM) and Sweet Pepper Klopek’s (IAM) traveling show ‘Monsters of Schlock‘ is being banned by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission.

We arrived at Better than Fred’s in Grande Prairie AB looking forward to a great show booked several months in advance to a sold out venue. The liquor commissioner calls the venue at 4:30 on Friday night (the night of the show), and points out this law.

section: board policies

page 47 of 65

1.41.1. Entertainment that has the potential to be considered bizarre, grotesque or offensive must be referred to the Board for approval before being provided. This includes entertainment involving live animals, excluding magical acts.

And then refuses to grant permission for tonight’s show. The bar was threatened with a minimum $10,000 fine and possible loss of liquor license if the inspectors deem it to be grotesque by their standards. This show had been advertised through print, web, and radio ads for close to a month at a cost of thousands to the venue, costs which cannot be recouped.

Our show has performed across Canada to thousands of satisfied viewers, is performed by professionals, performed for people between the ages of 8 and 80, and is now deemed to be too grotesque and offensive to be seen by the people of Northern Alberta.

So apparently in Alberta if you are an adult and have purchased a ticket to see a professional magic stunt show with viewer discretion advised, the liquor board will decide whether or not you should be allowed to see it.

Thanks in advance for your support against this type of censorship!

Salt of the Earth.

Following on from the vintage Jack Yount footage Shawn kindly sent me, here’s a lovely video of Sailor Sid Diller tattooing a friend.

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

This video dates to around 1985 and features Sailor Sid tattooing out of his Ft. Lauderdale, Silver Anchor tattoo shop. The lion’s share of Sid’s business came from the gay S&M community, and it wasn’t uncommon for both Sid and client to be fully nude during the process. The machine Sid is using is a rotary style tattoo machine, for those who’ve never seen one before – it was Sid’s preferred type.

Enjoy, and more later!

Shawn Porter – Scarwars.net

You can read more about Sid and his life in this article written by Jim Ward, for BMEzine.com.

He’s got the whole world, in his ears…

Well, I’d planned on spending the rest of my evening continuing the tunnel I’m digging into the vault of the bank across the street, but Derek sent me some great photos of his new jewelry (custom made for him by Dallas, one of the many talented plug makers on IAM) that I just had to post — these are his Amboyna Burl (oooh, scary) Earth/globe plugs. Continue reading for some more photos.


If the previous post was too high on the new age factor and too low on the geek factor (since it had both), I’ll suggest you may prefer April’s Dalek tattoo, done by Rick at Inkognito in Kingstown… She works as a nanny — I wonder if this will help or hinder this work?