A Couple of Niggas?

So in light of Obama’s “Race Speech”, I was thinking about how differently different generations have experienced race in America and approach the terminology of race in very different ways. There are of course still many older Americans who lived through segregated times and experienced the remnants of slavery culture, and most adults have lived through at least heavy inequality and racial stress overlapping the class war, but it seems like Courtney from South Florida and her best friend (“millennials“) have had a different experience again, where co-opting once segregated terms is completely non-offensive to them (whether or not it’s offensive to others in a variety of demographic sectors)… It will be interesting where terms of racial inequality end up in another fifty years.


Minor BME updates

I made some very minor changes to the front page of BME and BME/extreme. Mostly it’s just making the text a little bigger, taking off unused elements, and expanding ones that are being used a bit more. There’s nothing particularly dramatic about it, but if the “latest updates” ticker breaks anyone’s browser, please let me know. The members page is more heavy updated as an index, but since it was just a list of small-text updates before, I hope that’s a good thing.

Suggestions (if possible, with a mock-up or example) are very much appreciated!

I’m going to try and dedicate a day every week or two to clean up an element of the site, with galleries being next on my list (most of that work is already done)…


Piercings for Grief

As I write this, Gabrielle has got eleven lip piercings, and depending on when you read this, she may have more. She explains,

“Piercings are my way of coping with the grief I’ve been struggling with since my father died. Getting pierced helps me to cope with my loss when I feel I’ve got absolutely nothing to live for. I am going to continue getting pierced until the internal pain goes away.”


At first kids love this tattoo… and then…

So I was talking to the artist who did the “Beavis/Lisa/Butthead sandwhich” tattoo, and he was telling me he loves doing these sorts of tattoos, and had another piece that he spent two years trying to find someone willing to get it (as a point of trivia, I think it’s on a firefighter). Anyway, I give you this orgy of carnage and perversion, featuring among other things, Santa Claus being banged by an elf and the Grinch… Credit goes to Stephen Hummel from Ink Addiction Tattoos located in Daggett, Michigan.
