Stiff nipples in Toronto!

This is a little off-topic and you may have seen these videos before, but they always make me smile and we can’t wait to get going again.. I’m chattering about winter swimming of course!

Hopefully we’ll start up again in a few weeks, here’s hoping it’s colder this year*.

If you’d like to join us check for details (I’ll update it with times and dates in a week or so, keep your eyes peeled), send me a message, or preferably leave a comment below/on my IAM page and I’ll coordinate things.

This is absolutely open to non-IAM members too – [email protected].

* – That said, despite the commentary on the second video don’t be deceived by the talk of warm weather.. a lot of the swims we did before the Polar Bear Dip were icebergtastic!

You Don’t Have A Potato?

Once in a while, ModBlog will scour the internets for the best and
brightest amateur piercers and sit down for a candid one-on-one with them.
Here’s one of these shining lights.

(Interview after the jump.)

BME: Before we begin, you’ll have to clarify: maybe my
vision is going, but I can’t tell from the video if you’re Steve-O or
Matthew McConaughey.

Video Fella: My name is Thomas.

BME: Steve-O, this video really had it all, from light
blood loss to creative sponge usage. How much time did you and the Jackass
crew spend on this masterpiece?

Thomas: We’re not Jackass. It only took about half an hour,

BME: Now, looking at the video, I can count about four
different sets of grody frat-boy hands touching your face right around the
fresh, open piercing — none of which you seem to mind. What are some of
your other favorite ways to attract infections?

Thomas: I’m very healthy.

BME: Some of your friends can be heard to remark that
you’re “fucking tough” after the first pin is jabbed through your lip. Are
they also really impressed when the people at Dunkin’ Donuts get their
orders right?

Thomas: I don’t know.

BME: You look vaguely disappointed when you ask for a
potato — presumably to act as a cork and to catch the sharp end of the pin
in your mouth — and your friends come up empty handed. Do you regret
getting fucked up on Mezcal earlier in the day and shooting all of your
potatoes at each other out of PVC tubes?

Thomas: That didn’t happen. And the sponge worked just as

BME: Clearly. And I see you used what looks like a band pin
for the second attempt. Let me guess: Nickelback.

Thomas: No.

BME: Creed.

Thomas: No.

BME: Puddle of Mudd.

Thomas: Yeah, actually.

BME: A-ha! See what I did there? I limited my guesswork to
a bunch of terrible bands that are associated with fan-bases that make
terrible decisions. You know, like getting pierced during a frat party with
a dirty tool by your meathead friends. Lastly, I see a Super Bowl XXVII
decal on the mirror in your house, a game in which the Buffalo Bills were
soundly defeated by the Dallas Cowboys; I imagine you’re a Buffalo fan. Does
this sort of haphazard infliction of unnecessary pain with potentially
lasting problems come along with rooting for the Bills?

Thomas: They’re a good team.

BME: Steve-O, thanks for taking the time to speak to us.

Thomas: Okay.