Outlined Nipples

Now, personally, I think that Pink’s nipples are pretty ideal, nice and dark and shapely, but more than just “natural talent” I really like nipple augmenting tattoos (yeah, like you’re surprised). Thanks to Nanna Nagelfar from Denmark for sending in these great shots of her circle outlined nipples. (Oh, and you might see her on BellaVendetta as well as on BME).

Err, sorry. Pink nipple time.

Since I’ve got to go reboot the IAM server, let me make a quick note here that I’m doing so, and until then, enjoy this video of Pink getting her nipple pierced in Germany. The punch line for me is that it was done using injectable anesthetic. Now I’m not saying I don’t think anesthetics make many procedures safer and easier, but nipples? No… In my opinion it’s going to hurt more and add complications. But to each their own…

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Grey areas and nipple removal

Because extreme modification is so incredibly popular both with clients and in the media in general, I think people forget that while it’s often not specifically illegal, it’s definitely grey, definitely may be covered by existing laws (depdending on the nation), even if that has not yet been tested in court for anyone not doing castrations (not that there haven’t been some close calls).

I think it’s very important to share their work because it was miserable when we lived in the dark ages where everything was underground… but at the same time, I worry because people are very “out” about who is doing the work and don’t mind sharing very legally revealing photos. In the past, customers promoted cutters, but it almost seems in reverse these days?

Eh, I’m probably just being paranoid, right? Right?

Anyway, enjoy the nipple removal.