Matching Surface Spirals

Nickk Leading at Perforations in Denver, CO, just did this pair of 14ga 2″ custom bend surface-weave sternum piercings. Nickk should pierce a few dozen more, give them all different aftercare instructions, and see which works best in the name of science… or is that a little “kill em all, let god sort them out?”. Because I’ve tried so many weird piercings myself, I’m probably a little too pro-human-experimentation.

Shook Up

Since today’s theme is “complain that Shannon posts the same pretty girls over and over” day, let me continue the trend with the striking and beautiful Liska. Her 1.6mm/14ga nipples are by Johan at Aeon in Lule (in Northern Sweden)… Previously: “Liska, Liska, Liska” (if you say that three times — or is it five? — in the mirror she will appear and murder you).

Kanji Brushstrokes

I don’t know what this kanji tattoo means, but the the brushwork is gorgeous, but it’s by Karen Hall at Elemental Ink in Denver, CO.

This one on the other hand looks a little more familiar — 10 points to anyone who can translate it — and was done by Brian at Tattoo Extreme in Lynwood, WA. Before you make fun of Mark (who wears it), he says it was on purpose, and adds, “cheers to those that don’t check their kanji!”

Tiny Pubic Peace Dove Tattoo

“Make Love, Not War”
(Tigers, Deep Ellum TX)

I feel bad writing this, but all this tattoo make me think about is the fact that the concept of “forgiveness” in Christianity can make some Christians really sexually adventurous because they know that as long as it doesn’t kill them, they can do it, as for forgiveness no matter how kinky it is, and still go to heaven. Sheesh, I have a one track mind. It’s embarassing.

Another Webbed Toe Piercing!

This was done by Lori St. Leone from Vogue Body Piercing in Darwin, NT, Australia. She writes that the client’s bones were fully formed and normal, but the two toes were fused by soft tissue and “very safe to pierce through”. She did the piercing in 14ga, with a gem setting on the top and a round bead on the bottom… For some people a flat disc would be used, but because of her anatomy (concave surface on the bottom), using a ball instead allowed Lori to do a placement that put nearly no pressure on the piercing during walking.

How strange is it that this is starting to become a not-so-uncommon piercing? Fused/webbed toes occur in about 1 in 2,000 people (including Marge Simpson), so maybe it’s about time to add a “Syndactyly Piercing” section or something?