Capt. Howdy does Jaffa

If you thought there were no alternative clubs in Jaffa, think again..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

As a point of trivia, The Dungeon Club (14 Kikar Kdumim, Old Jaffa) where this performance by Captain Howdy took place is the first Jewish S&M venue in Tel Aviv!

The Only Solution..

Is Pain Solution!

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Håvve Fjell (featured in the video) adds this..

“I should mention that Pain Solution has been granted funding from the Norwegian Cultural Council to produce a play combining classic sideshow and self-torture for the theatre scene. My aim is to strengthen the genre I work with in the cultural landscape, bringing it up and out from the underground. Freak show for the people!

Also, I have started a Fakir school in order to educate the next generation, and shape artists I can work with in the future.”