“Trust your Mechanic” -The Dead Kennedeys

Lefrog wrote me with some pictures from a great suspension they assisted for their friend Alan last Saturday. Alice filled me in on the back story, telling me Alan is from the Mutoid Waste Company, and cut the engine out of a van while hanging suicide-style from a crane. Shortly after he finished, the van caught fire and they let it burn out rather than extinguishing it. Alice also suspended (knees) that day, and their friend Mark hung as well. Photos by Dispel of Tattoo Nation UK — more continue after the break.

Living Room Decor

In contrast to the many beautiful outdoor suspensions that have been posted, and the more sterile nondescript “warehouse suscon” environments, I always get a kick out of suspensions that take place in living rooms, shop waiting rooms, and other socially surprising places for a hooking. Shrimpansnowpea sent in this shot of a six point knee suspension with Nickk Leading.

See more in Knee suspensions (Ritual)

When you see it, you’ll shit bricks?

A la the various “Mindfuck” images that are floating around the Net, here are a few photos from today that sort of fall into that category (emphasis on “sort of”, I admit). Not that I expect anyone to be shocked — it takes a lot more than this to surprise a ModBlog reader!!! Anyway, let me start off with Kiki and friend (La Macchina Da Cucire) in Italy having tea for two…

Assid23 took this photo of a double suspension done at the biggest freak party in the Czech Republic at Abaton Klub from the folks at HELL.cz.

Finally, Kirill sent in a photo of his shoulder tattoo of a cuttlefish done by Ofer Peri at Body-Line in Israel.